2020 Minutes

The most recent minutes will be at the top of this page, Scroll down to see previous minutes.




DECEMBER 21, 2020

The regular meeting of the Funkstown Mayor and Council was held on Monday, December 21, 2020 at 7:00 p.m. in the Mayor and Council Chambers at Town Hall.

In attendance were Mayor Paul Crampton, Jr., Assistant Mayor Sharon Chirgott, Terry Feiser, Barry Warrenfeltz, John Phillips, III, Rich Gaver and Gary Middlekauff.

Also in attendance was Brenda Haynes, Town Manager.

This meeting of the Mayor and Council, in compliance with the Maryland Open Meetings Law and the Emergency Ordinance of the Town regarding Open Meeting Compliance, will be streamed via the Town’s Facebook page.  No in person attendance will be permitted at the meetings until further notice of the Mayor and Council.

A moment of silence was held, followed by the Pledge of Allegiance by full assemblage.


Motion was made by Councilman Rich Gaver, seconded by Councilman Barry Warrenfeltz.  Unanimously approved.

Name to Be Submitted for Funkstown Alley

A discussion was held regarding a naming the alley that is located between Chestnut and Poplar Street.  A suggestion was given to keep with names of trees, i.e. Aspen or Laurel.  Councilman Rich Gaver suggested keeping with the history of the Town, and naming the alley after a previous Mayor, Harvey Kershner.  Assistant Mayor Sharon Chirgott stated that Mayor Kershner served equally as long as Mayor Kline, and the park road is Robert Kline Way.

Mayor Paul Crampton, Jr. asked the Council to think about a name and call the Town Manager with any suggestions to be presented at the next council meeting.

Appeal for Blue Mountain Winery – Funkstown Planning Commission Recommendation/Discussion and Request for Appeal Fee Waiver

Cynthia McGee Rowe and Timothy Rowe of Blue Mountain Winery have filed an appeal to have live bands on the weekends.  The property is located at 117 East Baltimore Street.  The appellants are requesting Variances to have live bands on the weekends.  The Variance requests are in accordance with procedures provided under Article 10, Section 1005 of the Funkstown Zoning Ordinance.  The requirements are shown in Table 305.24.  The requests were denied by the Zoning Administrator

Due to the extended number of letters presented to the Mayor and Council in favor and opposition of the proposed Appeal, the Mayor and Council are reviewing the application.

After reviewing the recommendation letter from the Funkstown Planning Commission, the Mayor and Council support that bands be limited to Friday, Saturday, and Sunday, and bands will stop playing at 9:00 p.m. unless a Special Exception is granted by the Mayor and Council, and small amplification that comes with the instrument.

Blue Mountain Winery has requested a waiver of the Appeals fee due to a hardship with the pandemic.   Motion was made by Councilman Rich Gaver, seconded by Councilman Gary Middlekauff to not grant the waiver of the Appeals fee because every applicant pays for the Appeals fee, and Funkstown citizens should not bear the burden of the expense.  Motion granted.  Councilman Barry Warrenfeltz voted in opposition.

Guten Tag – Request for Reservation of Parking Space in Front of Business and Support Letters

Guten Tag is located at 4 Frederick Road, and is owned by Ms. Jessica Snyder. 

Ms. Snyder submitted a letter to the Mayor and Council stating that she is having issues with her customers finding parking to patronize her business, because Blue Mountain Winery customers are parking in front of her shop for hours and off-street parking is completely full.

Ms. Snyder is requesting that during her business hours on Saturdays a reserved parking space be designated in front of her business for customers and curbside pickup.

Motion was made by Councilman Rich Gaver, seconded by Councilman John Phillips, III to allow Guten Tag to have one designated parking space in front of her business located at 4 Frederick Road, the sign should indicate store hours, and the purchase and installation of the sign to be at Guten Tag’s expense.  Unanimously approved.


Motion was made by Councilman Rich Gaver, seconded by Assistant Mayor Sharon Chirgott to pay the bills.  Unanimously approved.


Mayor Paul Crampton, Jr. thanked town employee Jeff Smith for an outstanding job plowing the streets.  Each council member agreed that he has done an excellent job.

Mayor Paul Crampton, Jr. thanked Jeff Haynes for helping out the Mayor and Council with audio streaming the meetings to the Town’s Facebook page to keep in compliance with the Open Meetings Law.

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Mayor Paul Crampton, Jr. stated that after the first of the year, a bid proposal will be prepared for demolition of the abandoned trailers at the trailer park.

Motion was made by Councilman Rich Gaver, seconded by Councilman Gary Middlekauff to adjourn.  Unanaimously approved

                                                                           Brenda L. Haynes, Town Manager




NOVEMBER 9, 2020

The regular meeting of the Funkstown Mayor and Council was held on Monday, November 9, 2020 at 7:00 p.m. in the Mayor and Council Chambers at Town Hall.

In attendance by telephone conference was Mayor Paul Crampton, Jr.  In attendance by person were Assistant Mayor Sharon Chirgott, Terry Feiser, Barry Warrenfeltz, John Phillips, III, and Gary Middlekauff.

Also in attendance were Doug Stone, David Harman, Lance Crampton, and Brenda Haynes, Town Manager.

This meeting of the Mayor and Council, in compliance with the Maryland Open Meetings Law and the Emergency Ordinance of the Town regarding Open Meeting Compliance, will be streamed via the Town’s Facebook page.  No in person attendance will be permitted at the meetings until further notice of the Mayor and Council.

A moment of silence was held, followed by the Pledge of Allegiance by full assemblage.


Motion was made by Councilman Rich Gaver, seconded by Councilman Barry Warrenfeltz.  Unanimously approved.

Funkstown Planning Commission Appointments

The Mayor and Council have agreed to change the Funkstown Planning Commission from seven members to five members.  The Town Attorney will work on a text amendment to the Zoning Ordinance in January 2021.

The members recommended for appointment are: Doug Stone, David Harman, Lance Crampton, Megan Prince and Barry Warrentfeltz will serve in an ex officio capacity.

Motion was made by Councilman John Phillips to recommend Doug Stone, David Harman, Lance Crampton, and Barry Warrenfeltz to serve in an ex officio capacity, seconded by Councilman Terry Feiser for approval to the Planning Commission.  Unanimously approved.  Megan Prince will attend December’s meeting for approval to the Planning Commission.

Town Complaints regarding Joker’s and Stonebridge

The Mayor and Council have received additional complaints regarding Joker’s and Stonebridge.  A discussion was held regarding the complaints, and Councilman Barry Warrenfeltz stated that Joker’s have been put on probation for six months by the Washington County Liquor Board.

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Review and approval of bills

Motion was made by Councilman Rich Gaver, seconded by Councilman Barry Warrenfeltz to approve the bills.  Unanimously approved.


Mayor Paul Crampton, Jr. welcomed Gary Middlekauff to the council.

Assistant Mayor Sharon Chirgott welcomed Gary Middlekauff to the council.

Councilman Gary Middlekauff thanked everyone who appointed him to the council.  He appreciates the opportunity to serve on the council.

Councilman John Phillips, III stated that the white lines on Baltimore Street that need to be removed will have to be painted over with black paint, because the grinder is currently not working.

Mayor Paul Crampton, Jr. asked Councilman John Phillips, III to review the streets in town that are in need of overlay. 

Councilman Rich Gaver stated that the Christmas ornament is in for sale.  The cost is $7.50 each.

Motion was made by Councilman Rich Gaver, seconded by Councilman Terry Feiser to adjourn.  Unanimously approved.


                                                                            Brenda L. Haynes, Town Manager




OCTOBER 26, 2020

The regular meeting of the Funkstown Mayor and Council was held on Monday, October 26, 2020 at 7:00 p.m. in the Mayor and Council Chambers at Town Hall.

In attendance were Mayor Paul Crampton, Jr., Assistant Mayor Sharon Chirgott, Terry Feiser, Barry Warrenfeltz, Rich Gaver, and John Phillips, III.

Also in attendance were Ed Kuczynski, Town Attorney; Jason Divelbiss, Dave Trostle, Doug Stone, Kery Swope, Albright Crumbacker, and Brenda Haynes, Town Manager.

This meeting of the Mayor and Council, in compliance with the Maryland Open Meetings Law and the Emergency Ordinance of the Town regarding Open Meeting Compliance, will be streamed via the Town’s Facebook page.  No in person attendance will be permitted at the meetings until further notice of the Mayor and Council.

A moment of silence was held, followed by the Pledge of Allegiance by full assemblage.


Motion was made by Councilman Barry Warrenfeltz, Councilman Rich Gaver to approve the minutes.  Unanimously approved.

Audit – Albright, Crumbacker and Moul

Mr. Kery Swope, Manager with Albright Crumbacker and Moul & Itell, LLC, presented the annual audit report.  The Town has a “clean, unqualified opinion.”

Pages 1-2 – Independent Auditor’s Report

Pages 4-8 – Management’s Discussion and Analysis

Page 9 – Statement of Net Position

Page 12 – Reconciliation of the Balance Sheet of the Governmental Fund to the Statement of Net Position

David Trostle – Gaver Meadows Site Plan

Mr. David Trostle presented the proposed site plan for Gaver Meadows.  This development will be a residential subdivision, and is situated to the west of the intersection of Beaver Creek Road and Emmert Road and to the north of Interstate 70. The site is located within the corporate limits of Funkstown.  The proposed subdivision will be constructed on five separate parcels.  These parcels total 66.7 acres and contain 0.0 acres of existing impervious area.  The development of the site will cause 46.6 acres of disturbance and create 15.7 acres of impervious area.  The stormwater runoff created by the proposed

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development will be treated and controlled by rooftop disconnection, sheetflow to conservation areas, grass swales, and surface sand filters that provide 118,564 cubic feet of treatment.

This site will be developed into a residential subdivision consisting of 150 single family lots, and associated driveways, sidewalks, and streets.  Using grass swales and stormdrain systems the runoff characteristics and drainage paths will remain similar to the pre-development conditions.

The Funkstown Planning Commission will review the site plan at next month’s meeting.

Approval of Council Member Position – Gary Middlekauff

Mayor Paul Crampton, Jr. stated that since Lorraine Smith resigned last month from the Mayor and Council, an appointment is necessary to fill her remaining term.

Motion was made by Councilman Rich Gaver, seconded by Councilman Barry Warrenfeltz to appoint Gary Middlekauff to fill the term of Councilperson position.  This term expires in May 2022.

Decision on upcoming Town Event – Olde Tyme Christmas

Councilman Rich Gaver stated that the Christmas ornament has been ordered for this year.

Councilman Rich Gaver stated that he does not see how Olde Tyme Christmas will work this year with most of the events not being allowed due to the COVID-19 restrictions.

Motion was made by Councilman Terry Feiser, seconded by Assistant Mayor Sharon Chirgott to cancel the Olde Tyme Christmas event this year.  Unanimously approved.


Motion was made by Councilman Rich Gaver, seconded by Assistant Mayor Sharon Chirgott to pay the bills.  Unanimously approved.


Councilman Terry Feiser discussed his displeasure on how the Patterson family was treated when he moved his trailer out of the Antietam Village Trailer Park.  The residents in the trailer park were very rude to the family, and Mr. Patterson is a veteran who served our country.

Councilman Rich Gaver stated that the pavilion, which is an Eagle Scout project, along the 3rd base at the Funkstown Park is coming along good.  They are looking for volunteers to help put the shingles on the roof.  The shingles have been donated.

Councilman Rich Gaver stated that the Boy Scouts will continue to meet at the Funkstown Community Park through the month of November.  After that, they will meet in the upstairs of Town Hall with social distancing enforced.

Councilman Barry Warrenfeltz stated that his wife has been through a lot in the past few weeks with loses in her family.  He asked that the Mayor and Council keep her in their prayers.

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Assistant Mayor Sharon Chirgott thanked the Mayor and Council for the opportunity to participate in the virtual fall MML classes.  Some of the classes she participated in were Limits of Federal Disaster Assistance, Public Information Act, and Continuation of Operation of Backup Data.

Assistant Mayor Sharon Chirgott stated that the MML Chapter Meeting in November will be the Legislative meeting, and will be held virtual.

Town Attorney – Planning Commission Board Members

The Town Attorney discussed the procedure of reappointing the Planning Commission Members.  Due to a lack of interest in finding residents to participate, the Mayor and Council discussed changing the board members from seven down to five members, including a Mayor and Council member serving in an ex officio capacity.

Motion was made by Councilman Rich Gaver, seconded by Assistant Mayor Sharon Chirgott to change the Funkstown Planning Commission Board members from seven down to five members including an ex officio.  Unanimously approved.

Motion was made by Councilman Rich Gaver, seconded by Councilman John Phillips, III to close the meeting for the evening, and go into closed session to consult with counsel to obtain legal advice on a legal matter.  Unanimously approved.


                                                                           Brenda L. Haynes, Town Manager




SEPTEMBER 14, 2020

The regular meeting of the Funkstown Mayor and Council was held on Monday, September 14, 2020 at 7:00 p.m. in the Mayor and Council Chambers at Town Hall.

In attendance were Mayor Paul Crampton, Jr., Assistant Mayor Sharon Chirgott, Terry Feiser, Barry Warrenfeltz, John Phillips, III, and Lorraine Smith.

Also in attendance were Ron Frey, Rich Newman, and Brenda Haynes, Town Manager.

This meeting of the Mayor and Council, in compliance with the Maryland Open Meetings Law and the Emergency Ordinance of the Town regarding Open Meeting Compliance, will be streamed via the Town’s Facebook page.  No in person attendance will be permitted at the meetings until further notice of the Mayor and Council.

A moment of silence was held, followed by the Pledge of Allegiance by full assemblage.


Motion was made by Councilman Barry Warrenfeltz, seconded by Councilman Rich Gaver to approve the minutes.  Unanimously approved.

Town Complaints regarding Joker’s and Stonebridge

Several emails and letters were provided to the Mayor and Council expressing concern over the fight at Joker’s and loud music at Stonebridge.  A lengthy discussion was held with the Washington County Liquor Board member and inspector.  The Mayor and Council appreciate the businesses in Town, but the residents should not be disrupted.  The Mayor and Council will contact the Town Attorney to adopt Ordinances that can be enforced to prevent disruption in the Town.

Annexation – Edgewater Development Phase 2

Mayor Paul Crampton, Jr. stepped out of the meeting for this discussion. 

Assistant Mayor Sharon Chirgott chaired the meeting.  A proposed annexation of Edgewater Development Phase 2 has been brought before the Mayor and Council for approval.  Paul Crampton Contractors purchased the property on Edgewood Drive.  The property is approximately ten acres.  The property will be divided into 14 lots, and developed as single family homes.

Motion was made by Councilman Rich Gaver, seconded by Councilman Terry Feiser to approve the Edgewater Development Phase 2 and move forward with the annexation.  Unanimously approved.

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Mayor Paul Crampton, Jr. returned to chairing the meeting.

Mr. Neff – First Friday of the Month Event

Mr. Neff presented a letter to the Mayor and Council requesting that the money that has been allocated to the First Friday of the Month also be used for social media advertising for all of the businesses.

Motion was made by Councilman John Phillips, III, seconded by Assistant Mayor Sharon Chirgott to allow the event to advertise on social media for all of the businesses in Funkstown.  Unanimously approved.

Town Truck – Sealed Bids

The Mayor and Council accepted sealed bids as is for the 2011 Ford F250 truck.

Alex Sagi – $3,605.00

Reese’s Home Improvement Inc. – $5,011.00

Motion was made by Councilman John Phillips, III, seconded by Councilperson Lorraine Smith to accept the bid of Reese’s Home Improvement Inc. for $5,011.00.  Unanimously approved.

Decision on upcoming Town Events (Halloween Parde, Trick-or-Treat, Olde Tyme Christmas)

A discussion was held regarding the Halloween Parade and Trick or Treat.  The American Legion Post 211 Ladies Auxiliary will not be hosting the Halloween Party this year.  The consensus with the Mayor and Council will be to cancel the parade and have the town manager check with the other towns regarding trick or treat.  Mayor Paul Crampton, Jr. will then make the decision.

A discussion was held regarding the Olde Tyme Christmas event this year.  There will not be wagon rides, and the upstairs of Town Hall will be closed for entertainment.  The Mayor and Council will decide at the meeting next month if the event will be scaled back or cancelled.


Motion was made by Councilperson Lorraine Smith, seconded by Councilman Rich Gaver to pay the bills. Unanimously approved.


Councilman John Phillips, III stated that the car show at the Labor Day event was a huge success.  The entire Labor Day event had an excellent turn out. 

Councilman Terry Feiser explained to the Mayor and Council that Blue Mountain Winery on Baltimore Street has been having karaoke events on the weekends.  The business has an approved variance for

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three outdoor tables, but now they have increased to 14 tables.  The business was sent a letter regarding parking issues.

Councilman Barry Warrenfeltz asked if the storm drain on East Poplar Street has been repaired yet.  The town manager will check with the town maintenance staff.

Mayor Paul Crampton, Jr. stated that with a very heavy heart he has accepted Councilperson Lorraine Smith’s resignation effective immediately.  He stated that she has been an asset to the Town, and will be truly missed.

Councilperson Lorraine Smith stated that she has enjoyed serving on the council and will miss everyone in Funkstown when she moves.

Motion was made by Councilman Rich Gaver, seconded by Councilman Barry Warrenfeltz to adjourn.  Unanimously approved.


                                                                       Brenda L. Haynes, Town Manager




AUGUST 10, 2020

The regular meeting of the Funkstown Mayor and Council was held on Monday, August 10, 2020 at 7:00 p.m. in the Mayor and Council Chambers at Town Hall.

In attendance at Town Hall were Mayor Paul Crampton, Jr., Assistant Mayor Sharon Chirgott, Terry Feiser, and Barry Warrenfeltz.  In attendance by telephone conference was Councilperson Lorraine Smith.

Also in attendance were Kevin Tucker, Clerk of the Circuit Court; and Brenda Haynes, Town Manager.

This meeting of the Mayor and Council, in compliance with the Maryland Open Meetings Law and the Emergency Ordinance of the Town regarding Open Meeting Compliance, will be streamed via the Town’s Facebook page.  No in person attendance will be permitted at the meetings until further notice of the Mayor and Council.

Swearing In Of Mayor and Council

The following Mayor and Council were sworn in by Mr. Kevin Tucker, Clerk of the Circuit Court for Washington County, Maryland:

Sharon Chirgott – Assistant Mayor – Re-elected to a Four Year Term

Terry Feiser – Council Person – Re-elected to a Four Year Term

Barry Warrenfeltz – Council Person – Re-elected to a Four Year Term

(John Phillips, III was Re-elected to a Four Year Term as a Council Person.  He will go to Mr. Tucker’s office to be sworn in).

A moment of silence was held, followed by the Pledge of Allegiance by full assemblage.


Motion was made by Councilperson Lorraine Smith, seconded by Councilperson Rich Gaver to approve the minutes.  Unanimously approved.


Motion was made by Assistant Mayor Sharon Chirgott, seconded by Councilperson Rich Gaver to approve the bills.  Unanimously approved.

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Funkstown Election

Due to the threat for health and safety of the citizens of the State of Maryland, the Governor of Maryland has declared a State of Emergency pursuant to the powers afforded by the Constitution of the State of Maryland.  The Governor also has issued a series of Executive Orders regulating businesses, government, public gatherings and other related matters all of which are intended and designed to reduce the spread of the Corona/COVID19 virus.

The Town Election was voted on and approved on June 24, 2020 by the Mayor and Council of the Town of Funkstown to conduct the Election by mail.  All registered voters of the Town received a mail in ballot to vote.  All ballots must be postmarked by 6 PM on Monday, August 3, 2020 and must be received by Wednesday, August 5, 2020, or ballots could be placed in the mailbox at Town Hall by 6 PM on Monday, August 3, 2020.  No ballots received at Town Hall after 6 PM on Monday, August 3, 2020 will be accepted or counted.

A total of 173 ballots were counted with the following official ballot results:

Assistant Mayor

Sharon Chirgott – 137 votes

Town Council

Terry Feiser – 104 votes

Barry Warrenfeltz – 131 votes

John Phillips, III – 150 votes

Gary Middlekauff – 87 votes


Councilman Barry Warrenfeltz stated that the storm drain on the first block of East Poplar Street needs repaired.  He provided pictures of the storm drain for the Mayor and Council.

Councilman Rich Gaver stated that the pavilion that was built as an Eagle Scout Project is ready for the band at the Town event scheduled for September 5, 2020.  Mr. Gaver thanked Jeff Haynes and CMG Electric.

The Mayor and Council had a discussion on whether to cancel the upcoming Town events.  A decision will be made at the September meeting.

Motion was made by Councilman Barry Warrenfeltz, seconded by Councilman Rich Gaver to adjourn.  Unanimously approved.


                                                                                         Brenda L. Haynes, Town Manager




JULY 13, 2020

A regular meeting of the Funkstown Mayor and Council was held on Monday, July 13, 2020 at 7:00 p.m. in the Mayor and Council Chambers at Town Hall.  Due to the COVID-19 Emergency, this meeting was held by telephone conference.

In attendance at Town Hall were Mayor Paul Crampton, Jr., Councilman Rich Gaver, and Councilman Terry Feiser.  In attendance by telephone conference were Councilman Barry Warrenfeltz, Councilman John Phillips, III, and Councilperson Lorraine Smith.

Also in attendance at Town Hall was Brenda Haynes, Town Manager.

This meeting of the Mayor and Council, in compliance with the Maryland Open Meetings Law and the Emergency Ordinance of the Town regarding Open Meeting Compliance, will be streamed via the Town’s Facebook page.  No in person attendance will be permitted at the meetings until further notice of the Mayor and Council.

A moment of silence was held, followed by the Pledge of Allegiance by full assemblage.


Motion was made by Councilman Barry Warrenfeltz, seconded by Councilperson Lorraine Smith to approve the June 8, 2020 minutes.  Unanimously approved.

Motion was made by Councilman Rich Gaver, seconded by Councilperson Lorraine Smith to approve the June 24, 2020 minutes.  Unanimously approved.


Councilman John Phillips, III stated that the fireworks will be held on Saturday, September 5th at the Funkstown Community Park.  Live music from The Generals will be from 6 p.m. to 9 p.m.  The Funkstown Legion Baseball Team “The Skunks” will be serving food from 4 p.m. to 8 p.m.

Councilman Terry Feiser proposed raising the Zoning Appeals fee from $180.00 to $250.00.  Motion was made by Councilman Rich Gaver, seconded by Councilman Terry Feiser to raise the Zoning Appeals fee to $250.00.  Unanimously approved.

Councilman Terry Feiser proposed raising the Sign Permit fee from $5.00 to $50.00.  Motion was made by Councilman Rich Gaver, seconded by Councilman Terry Feiser to raise the Sign Permit fee to $50.00, but keep nonprofit businesses at $5.00.  Unanimously approved.

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Mayor Paul Crampton, Jr. stated that there was a major water break on Poplar Street in front of Antietam Village Trailer Park.  Huntzberry Brothers Inc. did the excavation and repair.


Motion was made by Councilman Rich Gaver, seconded by Councilman John Phillips, III to pay the bills.  Unanimously approved.

Motion was made by Councilman Terry Feiser, seconded by Councilman Rich Gaver to adjourn.  Unanimously approved.


                                                                            Brenda L. Haynes, Town Manager




JUNE 8, 2020

7:00 P.M.

A regular meeting of the Funkstown Mayor and Council was held on Monday, June 8, 2020 at 7:00 p.m. in the Mayor and Council Chambers at Town Hall.  Due to the COVID-19 Emergency, this meeting was held by telephone conference.

In attendance at Town Hall were Councilman Rich Gaver, and Councilman Terry Feiser.  In attendance by telephone conference were Mayor Paul Crampton, Jr., Assistant Mayor Sharon Chirgott, Councilman Barry Warrenfeltz, Councilman John Phillips, III, and Councilperson Lorraine Smith.

Also in attendance at Town Hall was Brenda Haynes, Town Manager.

This meeting of the Mayor and Council, in compliance with the Maryland Open Meetings Law and the Emergency Ordinance of the Town regarding Open Meeting Compliance, will be streamed via the Town’s Facebook page.  No in person attendance will be permitted at the meetings until further notice of the Mayor and Council.

A moment of silence was held, followed by the Pledge of Allegiance by full assemblage.

Public Hearing

The meeting was called to order as a Public Hearing by the Mayor and Council for the sole purpose of receiving comments in reference to a proposed water rate increase, and adoption of the General Fund and Enterprise Fund Budgets.

The public hearing is scheduled pursuant to the provisions of the Annotated Code of Maryland and the Charter of the Town of Funkstown, to consider whether or not to revise water rates and adoption of the budgets.

The proposed water increase is 3%, which is being passed along.  Councilman Rich Gaver would like the out of town water rates to increase by 4%.

Motion was made by Councilman Rich Gaver, seconded by Councilman Terry Feiser to increase the out of town rates by 4%.  Motion carried.  Councilman John Phillips, III voted in opposition.

Motion was made by Councilman Rich Gaver, seconded by Councilperson Lorraine Smith to close the public hearing.  Unanimously approved.


Motion was made by Assistant Mayor Sharon Chirgott, seconded by Councilperson Lorraine Smith to approve the May 11, 2020 minutes.  Unanimously approved.

Motion was made by Councilperson Lorraine Smith, seconded by Councilman Barry Warrenfeltz to approve the May 20, 2020 minutes.  Unanimously approved.

Maryland Municipal League Hall of Fame Nomination

The Maryland Municipal League Hall of Fame criteria and submission process is as follows:

  • If an official will complete 20 years of elected service after June 30 of the induction year, they are eligible to be inducted into the Hall of Fame the following year.
  • Terms of service need not be consecutive.
  • Candidates for induction must be submitted via a Hall of Fame Nomination Form.
  • Officials may submit themselves or a municipality may submit eligible officials for the Hall of Fame.
  • Last day to submit nominations for the Hall of Fame is May 30.

Councilman John Phillips, III has been recognized for serving 24 years of service as a Councilman.


Councilman Rich Gaver stated that the Eagle Scout project at St. Paul’s Lutheran Church is complete.  The work performed was installation of a sidewalk from the front of the church to the rear of the building, and a bench.

Councilman Barry Warrenfeltz stated that the Funkstown Cemetery is its own entity, and is not owned by St. Paul’s Lutheran Church.


Motion was made by Councilman Rich Gaver, seconded by Assistant Mayor Sharon Chirgott to pay the bills.  Unanimously approved.

Motion was made by Councilman Rich Gaver, seconded by Councilman Terry Feiser to adjourn.  Unanimously approved.


                                                                                        Brenda L. Haynes, Town Manager




MAY 20, 2020

A special meeting of the Funkstown Mayor and Council was held on Wednesday, May 20, 2020 at 6:00 p.m. in the Mayor and Council Chambers at Town Hall.  Due to the COVID-19 Emergency, this meeting was held by telephone conference.

In attendance at Town Hall were Mayor Paul Crampton, Jr., Councilman Rich Gaver, and Councilman Terry Feiser.  In attendance by telephone conference were Assistant Mayor Sharon Chirgott, Councilman Barry Warrenfeltz, and Councilperson Lorraine Smith.

Also in attendance at Town Hall were Ed Kuczynski, Town Attorney; and Brenda Haynes, Town Manager.

This meeting of the Mayor and Council, in compliance with the Maryland Open Meetings Law and the Emergency Ordinance of the Town regarding Open Meeting Compliance, will be streamed via the Town’s Facebook page.  No in person attendance will be permitted at the meetings until further notice of the Mayor and Council.

A moment of silence was held, followed by the Pledge of Allegiance by full assemblage.

Forward Funding Agreement

In order to be compliant with Program Open Space requirements, an Interim Use of the Ordinance and a Forward Funding Agreement has to be approved with the final settlement of the Antietam Village Trailer Park.

Motion was made by Councilman Rich Gaver, seconded by Councilperson Lorraine Smith to approve the Forward Funding Agreement.  Unanimously approved.

Motion was made by Assistant Mayor Sharon Chirgott, seconded by Councilman Rich Gaver to approve the Interim Use Ordinance.  Unanimously approved.

Budget – General Fund and Enterprise Fund – Work Copy

A copy of the General Fund and the Enterprise Fund budget was given to the Mayor and Council for preliminary review.  Due to the COVID-19 Emergency, a lot of budget information is not complete at this time. 

Motion was made by Councilman Rich Gaver, seconded by Councilperson Lorraine Smith to adjourn.  Unanimously approved.


                                       Brenda L. Haynes, Town Manager




MAY 11, 2020

A regular meeting of the Funkstown Mayor and Council was held on Monday, May 11, 2020 at 7:00 p.m. in the Mayor and Council Chambers at Town Hall.  Due to the COVID-19 Emergency, this meeting was held by telephone conference.

In attendance at Town Hall were Mayor Paul Crampton, Jr., Councilman Rich Gaver, and Councilman Terry Feiser.  In attendance by telephone conference were Assistant Mayor Sharon Chirgott, Councilman Barry Warrenfeltz, Councilman John Phillips, III, and Councilperson Lorraine Smith.

Also in attendance at Town Hall was Brenda Haynes, Town Manager.

This meeting of the Mayor and Council, in compliance with the Maryland Open Meetings Law and the Emergency Ordinance of the Town regarding Open Meeting Compliance, will be streamed via the Town’s Facebook page.  No in person attendance will be permitted at the meetings until further notice of the Mayor and Council.

A moment of silence was held, followed by the Pledge of Allegiance by full assemblage.


Motion was made by Assistant Mayor Sharon Chirgott, seconded by Councilman John Phillips, III to approve the minutes with the following correction:  under attendance, clarify those in attendance at Town Hall, and those in attendance by telephone conference.

Ordinance – In Town Water and Sewer Connection Fees

Mayor Paul Crampton, Jr. stated that no additional written comments have been received regarding the In Town Water and Sewer Connection Fees.

Motion was made by Councilman John Phillips, III, seconded by Assistant Mayor Sharon Chirgott to approve the Ordinance increasing the In Town Water and Sewer Connection Fees to Water $3,600.00, and Sewer $5,600.00.  Unanimously approved.


A lengthy discussion was held regarding cancelling the Re-enactment this year due to the COVID-19 Emergency.  The general consensus by the Mayor and Council is to cancel the Re-enactment his year.

Fireworks – (Labor Day Weekend)

The Mayor and Council has decided to have the yearly fireworks on Saturday, September 5, 2020, and a rain date of Sunday, September 6, 2020.  

Town Election – Consideration of Vote by Mail Election

The Mayor and Council had a discussion regarding a possible change with the Town Election for mail in ballots.  The Mayor and Council will keep the August 4, 2020 election date, and reevaluate in June if mail in ballots will be necessary.


Councilperson Lorraine Smith stated that she has the Christmas ornament drawing finished.  The ornament this year will be the barbershop on Antietam Street.

Councilman Terry Feiser stated that at last month’s meeting several people misunderstood his comment regarding a family relocating from the Antietam Village Trailer Park to the Cooper Kettle Trailer Park.  He is not financially helping with any relocation, but the family is moving their trailer to an empty lot on his mother’s trailer park.


Motion was made by Assistant Mayor Sharon Chirgott, seconded by Councilperson Lorraine Smith to pay the bills.  Unanimously approved.

A budget workshop meeting and a special meeting has been scheduled for May 20, 2020 at 6:00 p.m.

Motion was made by Councilman Rich Gaver, seconded by Councilperson Lorraine Smith to adjourn.  Unanimously approved.


                                       Brenda L. Haynes, Town Manager




APRIL 13, 2020

A regular meeting of the Funkstown Mayor and Council was held on Monday, April 13, 2020 at 7:00 p.m. in the Mayor and Council Chambers at Town Hall.

In attendance were Mayor Paul Crampton, Jr., Assistant Mayor Sharon Chirgott, Terry Feiser, Barry Warrenfeltz, Rich Gaver, John Phillips, III, and Lorraine Smith.

Also in attendance were Edward Kuczynski, Town Attorney; and Brenda Haynes, Town Manager.

This meeting of the Mayor and Council, in compliance with the Maryland Open Meetings Law and the Emergency Ordinance of the Town regarding Open Meeting Compliance, will be streamed via the Town’s Facebook Page.  No in person attendance will be permitted at the meetings until further notice of the Mayor and Council. 

A moment of silence was held, followed by the Pledge of Allegiance by full assemblage.

Public Hearing

The meeting was called to order as a Public Hearing by the Mayor and Council for the sole purpose of receiving comments in reference to a proposed In Town Water and Sewer Connection fee increase.

The public hearing is scheduled pursuant to the provisions of the Annotated Code of Maryland and the Charter of the Town of Funkstown, to consider whether or not to revise In Town Water and Sewer Connection Fees.

There was one public comment that was received via email by Deb and Dennis Sullivan opposing any increase in the water/sewer bill, which was read and made part of the minutes.

Mayor Paul Crampton, Jr. clarified that the proposed increase only affects new construction.   The proposed increase would be in line with the other towns in Washington County, and would help defray infrastructure costs.

Motion was made by Councilman Rich Gaver, seconded by Assistant Mayor Sharon Chirgott to adjourn the public hearing.  Unanimously approved.


Motion was made by Councilman John Phillips, III, seconded by Councilman Rich Gaver to approve the minutes of March 9, 2020.  Unanimously approved.

Motion was made by Assistant Mayor Sharon Chirgott, seconded by Councilperson Lorraine Smith to approve the minutes of March 24, 2020.  Unanimously approved.

Ordinance – In Town Water and Sewer Connection Fees

Motion was made by Councilperson Lorraine Smith, seconded by Councilman Rich Gaver to introduce the Ordinance for In Town Water and Sewer Connection Fees to increase as follows:

Current Fees:

Water – $3,000.00

Sewer – $4,500.00

Proposed Increase:

Water – $4,100.00

Sewer – $5,600.00

Unanimously approved.

Ordinance – Acquisition of Antietam Village Trailer Park

The Town of Funkstown has a signed contract with the owner of Antietam Village Trailer Park to purchase the property for $295,000.  The Washington County Commissioners will loan the Town up to $315,000, and will be reimbursed by Program Open Space Acquisition Funds.

The March 24, 2020 Mayor and Council meeting the Ordinance Authorizing the Acquisition of Certain Real Estate Pursuant to Maryland Local Government Code, Annotated North Side of Poplar Street was introduced for adoption.

Motion was made by Assistant Mayor Sharon Chirgott, seconded by Councilperson Lorraine Smith to approve the Ordinance effective April13, 2020.  Unanimously approved.

Constant Yield Tax Rate

Section 6-308 of the Tax-Property Article, Annotated Code of Maryland, requires the Department of Assessments and Taxation to certify to all taxing authorities a Constant Yield Tax Rate that will produce the same revenue in the coming taxable year that was produced in the prior taxable year.  This does not prevent the reduction of the tax rate.

Motion was made by Councilman John Phillips, III, seconded by Councilman Rich Gaver to keep the Constant Yield Tax Rate at .37 per hundred.  Unanimously approved.


Motion was made by Councilman Rich Gaver, seconded by Councilperson Lorraine Smith to approve the bills.  Unanimously approved.

Motion was made by Councilman Rich Gaver, seconded by Assistant Mayor Sharon Chirgott to adjourn.  Unanimously approved.
  Brenda L. Haynes, Town Manager




MARCH 24, 2020

7:00 P.M.

A Special Meeting of the Funkstown Mayor and Council was held on Tuesday, March 24, 2020 at 7:00 p.m. in the Mayor and Council Chambers at Town Hall.

In attendance were Mayor Paul Crampton, Jr., Assistant Mayor Sharon Chirgott, Terry Feiser, Barry Warrenfeltz, Rich Gaver, John Phillips, III; and Lorraine Smith.

Also in attendance were Ed Kuczynski, Town Attorney; Jim Turner, Antietam Cable; and Brenda Haynes, Town Manager.

This meeting was lived streamed by Antietam Cable for the public to watch.

A moment of silence was held, followed by the Pledge of Allegiance by full assemblage.

COVID -19 Meeting Procedures

The Mayor and Council were provided an Open Meeting Compliance By Municipalities During COVID19 Pandemic instructions to follow.

Motion was made by Councilman Rich Gaver, seconded by Councilperson Lorraine Smith to adopt a Resolution To Adopt Policies and Procedures Regarding Open Meeting Compliance During The COVID19 Pandemic.  Unanimously approved.

Agreement To Antietam Village Trailer Park

Mayor Paul Crampton, Jr. stated to the Council that an Agreement has been signed by the owner of Antietam Village Trailer Park for $295,000.  The Washington County Commissioners will loan the Town up to $315,000 and will be reimbursed by Program Open Space Acquisition Funds.

A lengthy discussion was held regarding the purchase of the trailer park and who will be the landlord.  Mayor Paul Crampton, Jr. stated that the Town would be the landlord for a period of one year after the sale of the trailer park.

Motion was made by Assistant Mayor Sharon Chirgott, seconded by Councilman Terry Feiser to introduce an Ordinance Authorizing the Acquisition of Certain Real Estate Pursuant to Maryland Local Government Code, Annotated North Side of Poplar Street and carried with Councilman Barry Warrenfeltz voting in opposition.

Election Date Change

The Funkstown Election is scheduled for May 4, 2020, but due to the threat for health and safety of the citizens of the State of Maryland, the Governor of Maryland has declared a State of Emergency pursuant to the powers afforded by the Constitution of the State of Maryland.  The Governor also has issued a series of Executive Orders regulating businesses, government, public gatherings and other related matters all of which are intended and designed to reduce the spread of the Corona/COVID19 virus.

Motion was made by Assistant Mayor Sharon Chirgott, seconded by Councilman Barry Warrenfeltz to approve an Emergency Ordinance to Cancel and Reschedule Election scheduled for May 4, 2020, and rescheduled for August 3, 2020 from 9:00 a.m. til 6:00 p.m.  Unanimously approved.

Motion was made by Councilman Rich Gaver, seconded by Councilperson Lorraine Smith to adjourn.  Unanimously approved.


Brenda L. Haynes, Town Manager




MARCH 9, 2020

7:00 P.M.

A regular meeting of the Funkstown Mayor and Council was held on Monday, March 9, 2020 at 7:00 p.m. in the Mayor and Council Chambers at Town Hall.

In attendance were  Assistant Mayor Sharon Chirgott, Terry Feiser, Barry Warrenfeltz, Rich Gaver, John Phillips, III; and Lorraine Smith.

Also in attendance were Brenda Mowen, Beverly Patterson, Howard Patterson, Renee Burgan, Linda St. Clair, Clarence Kline, Rose Lewis, Cody Bachtell, Konner Lauer, Brian Lauer, Chris Bachtell, Dustin Welsh, Chad Walker, Derek Brown, Jill Connolly, Douglas Cline, Dave Cribbs, and Brenda Haynes, Town Manager.

A moment of silence was held, followed by the Pledge of Allegiance by full assemblage.


Motion was made by Councilman John Phillips, III; seconded by Councilman Rich Gaver to approve the minutes.  Unanimously approved.

Derek Brown- Diamond Birds

Mr. Derek Brown is the baseball coach for the Diamond Birds.  He thanked the Mayor and Council for allowing them to use the Funkstown Little League Field for practice and games. 

Chad Walker – National Pike Festival

Mr. Chad Walker stated that the National Pike Festival is scheduled for May 15-17, 2020.  They would spend the night at the Funkstown Community Park on the evening of May 16, 2020.

Motion was made by Councilman John Phillips III, seconded by Councilman Rich Gaver to approve the use of the Funkstown Community Park on the evening of May 16, 2020.  Unanimously approved.

Motion was made by Councilman John Phillips III, seconded by Councilman Barry Warrenfeltz to approve $500 from Hotel Motel funds to cover the breakfast the morning of May 17, 2020.  Unanimously approved.

Agreement To Antietam Village Trailer Park

Assistant Mayor Sharon Chirgott explained to the Council that the Town has been offered an Agreement to purchase the Antietam Village Trailer Park for $295,000.  The Washington County Commissioners will loan the Town up to $315,000 and will be reimbursed by Program Open Space Acquisition Funds.

A very lengthy discussion was held regarding the purchase of the trailer park, and residents of the trailer park spoke in opposition of the purchase.

Motion was made by Councilman Terry Feiser, seconded by Councilperson Lorraine Smith to move forward with the purchase of the Antietam Village Trailer Park.  The motion failed by a three to two vote, with Councilman John Phillips, III, Councilman Rich Gaver and Councilman Barry Warrenfeltz voting against the purchase.  Motion carried.

Election Board Members

Motion was made by Councilman John Phillips, III, seconded by Councilman Rich Gaver to approve Stephanie Stone, Ruth Iseminger, Prosperity Jones, and Audrey Baker to supervise the election with Stephanie Stone as the chairperson.  This term of office is four years.  Unanimously approved.


Motion was made by Councilman John Phillips, III, seconded by Councilman Rich Gaver to pay the bills.  Unanimously approved.

Councilman Rich Gaver requested a special meeting to revisit the Antietam Village Trailer Park.  The meeting was scheduled for Tuesday, March 24, 2020.

Motion was made by Councilman Rich Gaver, seconded by Councilperson Lorraine Smith to adjourn.  Unanimously approved.                                                                                  ____________________________________________

Brenda L. Haynes, Town Manager




FEBRUARY 10, 2020

The regular meeting of the Funkstown Mayor and Council was held on Monday, February 10, 2020 at 7:00 p.m. in the Mayor and Council Chambers at Town Hall.

In attendance were Mayor Paul Crampton, Jr., Assistant Mayor Sharon Chirgott, Terry Feiser, Barry Warrenfeltz, Rich Gaver, and John Phillips, III.

In attendance were Bill Green, Jr., Connor Shank, Russell Neff,  and Brenda Haynes, Town Manager.

A moment of silence was held, followed by the Pledge of Allegiance by full assemblage.


Motion was made by Councilman Rich Gaver, seconded by Assistant Mayor Sharon Chirgott to approve the minutes.  Unanimously approved.

APFO – Adequate Public Facilities Ordinance

The Mayor and Council discussed deleting or adjusting the Adequate Public Facilities Ordinance that the Town currently has in effect.

The Mayor and Council directed the town manager to check with the town attorney on guidance.


Mr. Connor Shank explained the Funkstown 5K Trail Run/ Walk that will be held the weekend of the Re-enactment scheduled for July 18, 2020.  The 3.1 mile course runs across the 76-acre Historic Battlefield of Funkstown, Maryland.  Starting in the Parks Maple Street Entrance, hitting the mouth of the train along Old National Pike, running through Artz Farm, and back into the trails of Funkstown Community Park along beaver creek road.  Racers will experience Confederate and Union Campsites along the trails.  Official time will be kept professionally by Racine Multi-Sports.  Course maps and race details will be emailed to participants, available online and posted at the event. 

Water and Sewer Benefit Fees

The Mayor and Council discussed increasing the water and sewer connection fees.

Motion was made by Councilman Rich Gaver, seconded by Councilman Barry Warrenfeltz to move forward with a public hearing for consideration of whether or not to revise the water and sewer connection fees.  Unanimously approved.


Mayor Paul Crampton, Jr. stated that Megan Prince would like to join the Planning & Zoning Commission.

Mayor Paul Crampton, Jr. stated that he would like to request advanced funding from the County Commissioners for possible future park land.  The Council was in agreement with the Mayor to move forward with the request.

Mr. Bill Green is a resident of Funkstown.  He is very concerned with cars speeding throughout the town.  A lengthy discussion was held, and the Sheriff’s Department will be notified to increase patrol throughout the town.


Motion was made by Councilman John Phillips, III, seconded by Councilman Rich Gaver to approve the bills.  Unanimously approved.  Councilman Terry Feiser abstained from voting.

Motion was made by Councilman Rich Gaver, seconded by Councilman John Phillips, III to adjourn.  Unanimously approved.


Brenda L. Haynes, Town Manager




JANUARY 13, 2020

The regular meeting of the Funkstown Mayor and Council was held on Monday, January 13,2020 at 7:00 p.m. in the Mayor and Council Chambers at Town Hall.

In attendance were Mayor Paul Crampton, Jr., Assistant Mayor Sharon Chirgott, Terry Feiser, Barry Warrenfeltz, Rich Gaver, and John Phillips, III.

In attendance were Brian Hultslander, Tina Hultslander, and Brenda Haynes, Town Manager.

A moment of silence was held, followed by the Pledge of Allegiance by full assemblage.


Motion was made by Assistant Mayor Sharon Chirgott, seconded by Councilman John Phillips, to approve the minutes.  Unanimously approved.

Brian & Tina Hultslander

Mr. & Mrs. Hultslander live at 34 West Cemetery Street.  They have owned the property since 1987.  They are very concerned about changing the street name.

Next Generation 911 has proposed several road name changes within the incorporated Town.  Cemetery Street is one of the proposed streets.

MML Dinner

A count was taken for the next MML Dinner to be hosted by the Town of Boonsboro.  The social hour will begin at 6:00 p.m. followed by the evening meal at 6:45 p.m.  The menu for the evening will consist of baked stuffed chicken, baked ham, mashed potatoes and gravy, green beans, cole slaw, apple and cherry pie.  Cheese and vegetables will be served during the social hour.  Cash bar will available.  The cost for this meal will be $25.00.

Funkstown Fire Company Awards Banquet

A count was taken for the Funkstown Volunteer Fire Company Engine 10 Annual Awards Banquet to be held on Saturday, February 1, 2020 at the Hagerstown Elks Lodge #378 on Robinwood Drive.  The doors open at 5:00 p.m. followed by the evening meal at 6:00 p.m.  Dance music provided by Lasting Memories from 9:00 p.m. to midnight.


Mayor Paul Crampton, Jr. stated that Doug Artz requested an extension to vacant the barns.  The Town will take over February 1, 2020, and will need to insure the barns at that time.

Motion was made by Assistant Mayor Sharon Chirgott, seconded by Councilman Barry Warrenfeltz to insure the barns effective February 1, 2020 in the amount of $665.00 for the policy period February 1, 2020 to May 1, 2020.  Unanimously approved.


Motion was made by Councilman Rich Gaver, seconded by Assistant Mayor Sharon Chirgott to pay the bills.  Unanimously approved.

Motion was made by Councilman John Phillips, III, seconded by Councilman Rich Gaver to adjourn.  Unanimously approved.                                                                            ______________________________________________

Brenda L. Haynes, Town Manager