The Labor Day Celebration, now known as the Funkstown Food Truck Festival, was a wonderful event held on September 30th, 2024 in the Funkstown Community Park. The park was a live with many visitors from both in and out of town. We could not have asked for better weather, as it was not too hot to enjoy the festivities. The event started at 5:00 pm with 6 food trucks. Lines were not to long and the food was delicious! “The few” was the band that provided tunes in the band pavilion. Other events were a bounce castles, a car show sponsored by Funkstown Boy Scouts Troop 23, and ax throwing for anyone 11 and over, badminton and tic-tac-toe to name a few. It was a great turn out at least until mother nature decided it was time for rain and a lot of it to say the least. Then to top off this wonderful event, one of the best fireworks display had to be moved to Sunday night. Thank you to the event organizer, Connor Shank his hard work in putting this all together. We also would like to thank the Mayor & Council of Funkstown, Town Manager Brenda Haynes, Town Clerk Kelli Rosser, and Maintenance Worker Jeff Smith.

Car show had trucks, cars, from many eras.

ax throwing, and bounce houses were some of the activities available.

badminton, volleyball, horseshoes, tic-tac-toe for amongst other activities available.

Best car was a 1964 Plymouth Barracuda owned by Sharon Shuman.

Scouts choice was a 2006 Chevy SSR owned by Russ & June Keys.

Best truck was a 1988 Dodge W-150 owned by Mason Churchey.