Please try to avoid Edgewood Drive coming into Funkstown on Tuesday, November 2nd during day hours. Paving will be occurring on the side streets off of Edgewood Drive and traffic will be backed up with long wait time times. Thank you for your patience and understanding.
Funkstown Lions Club is in trouble
The Funkstown lions club is going under after starting business on September 6th 1957. They have done many good things for this community. Anyone interested in joining please contact Martin Bonura 443-452-5456 or at

If you are a Funkstown resident that receives separate recycling services with Apple Valley Waste and received a letter that recycling services will be discontinued effective November 1, 2021, this letter was sent in error. PLEASE disregard the letter.
Mayor & Council meeting
The regular Mayor and Council meeting was changed from Monday, October 11, 2021, and will be held on Monday, October 25, 2021 at 7:00 p.m. at Town Hall.
Town Clean Up Day
Due to the COVID restrictions and limited staffing, Town Clean Up will only be held one day this year.
Funkstown Clean Up will be held on Saturday, October 9, 2021 from 7:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. The dumpster will be located at the Funkstown Community Park. This service is ONLY available to Funkstown residents and Funkstown Water Customers. Proof of identification will be required – driver’s license or water bill.
Acceptable items:
Refrigerators and Freezers, Air Conditioners, Dehumidifiers and Humidifiers –
Must have certified technician – tag of Freon removed
Washers and Dryers, Dishwashers, Stoves, Wood Stoves, Trash Compactors, Furnaces, Water Heaters, Exercise Equipment, Mattresses and Box Springs, Furniture.
Non-acceptable items:
Construction and Building Material, Propane Tanks, Wet Paint Cans, Tires, Batteries, Yard Waste, Concrete Materials, Televisions, Fencing, Gasoline, Oil, and other flammables, Hazardous Waste, Explosives and Ammunition, Dead Animals, No Household Trash.
Don’t forget yard waste and trash will be late this week due to Labor Day. Speaking of Labor Day check out the new page under the “Events Tab” on the website. See pictures and movies from that event.
Please mark your calender’s as the town has picked Thursday October 28th for the parade and Friday October 29th for Trick or Treat.
Labor Day Celebration
September 4th Funkstown will celebrating Labor Day at the Park. Starting at 5:00 pm. There will be a Car show from 5-7 and a live band the Vantastics from 5-8. the Legion ball team the “Skunks” will have food for sale. Fireworks will be at dusk. Rain date for the fireworks only will the the 5th.
Fire Help
The Town of Funkstown had a resident that had a house fire last night and lost everything. He is currently in the hospital, and generous Town residents are helping him with his animals.
The Town Manager would like to help and collect clothes for him since he lost everything. If anyone knows what size he wears or would like to donate, please call Town Hall (301-791-0948) so she can collect clothes to help him out. Any new or gently used clothes would be greatly appreciated to help get him back on his feet.
THANK YOU everyone in advance so we can all pull together and show a small act of kindness.
Trash Pickup
At this point Apple Valley Waste is running ONE day behind on Funkstown Trash pick up. They will let us know if the plan changes.