Town Clean Up

Town Clean Up will be held on Saturday, May 28, 2022 from 8:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. located at the Funkstown Community Park on Robert Kline Way at the end of the road by Pavilion #3.

This service is available only to Funkstown residents and/or a water/sewer customer.  Proof of identification will be required – driver’s license, water bill.  NO EXCEPTIONS!

Non-acceptable items:

Construction and Building Material, Propane tanks, Tires, Batteries, Yard Waste, Dirt, Rocks, and Tree Trimmings, Concrete Materials, Paint, Gasoline, Oil, and other inflammables, and hazardous waste.

Fire Company Fund Drive

At last look the Funkstown Fire Company has only received about 17% of their mailers back form the public. Remember that you need to help them to help you. Do you want just 17% of the fire company to come to your house for a fire, or your car crash, or even your heart attack? Please don’t wait until you need them before you support them with funding because at that point it may be too late. If by chance you have thrown out the mailed or it is just plain lost it stop by the Fire Hall and drop off your donation. The added benefit to you is that is tax delectable as they are a not for profit company.

Bill Payment

A new payment feature is been added to the website to make utility payments and Real Estate payments easier. YOU CAN NOW PAY ONLINE.Please visit to access the payment link. If you have any questions, please call the Town Hall at 301-791-0948, Monday – Friday, 8:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.

Town Council Meeting

The Mayor and Council meeting scheduled for Monday, April 11th at 7:00 pm. has been rescheduled for MONDAY, APRIL 18TH AT 7:00 P.M.  

Yard Waste Pickup


Yard waste collection will be collected weekly on TUESDAYS, and will run from the first week in April through the last week in November.  Yard waste shall be set at the curbside no earlier than 4:00 p.m. before collection.
Yard waste shall be placed in: Reusable garbage cans, and Paper yard waste and leaf bags.  Note: 30 gallon brown paper yard waste bags are available at most retail stores.  Yard waste will NOT be collected if set out improperly. 

Town Election




MONDAY, MAY 2, 2022

Between the hours of 9:00 a.m. and

6:00 p.m. at the Funkstown Town

Hall, 30 East Baltimore Street, to elect



To serve a four-year term

Any qualified voter desiring to become

a candidate for office shall file at the

Funkstown Town Hall,

30 East Baltimore Street, by

Monday, April 11, 2022 by 4:30 p.m. 


Last day to register voters

of the Town will be

Monday, April 11, 2022 by 4:30 p.m.

Water break repairs

In order to complete the repairs for the water main break in the area of popular, antietam, and wye oak drive you will see an interruption in service between 9-12 today monday the 10th in order to complete the repair.

Mayor and Council meeting

The Funkstown Mayor and Council meeting scheduled for Monday, December 13th has been rescheduled to Tuesday, December 14th at 7:00 p.m

Olde Tyme Christmas December 10th

Town Hall Events

All Evening—

6:00 PM-Event begins

6:30 PM-Pony rides at the park

6:30 PM8:30PM Wagon rides through town

7:00 PM-Santa rides around town in firetruck

9:00 PM-Event closes

  Christmas in the Park See the Yule log fire, have some popcorn, Marshmallows and cook some hot dogs with the scouts. Take a pony ride. The wagon ride will be making a stop to let passengers out to see the festivities and return to town hall later.   

Support Local Businesses Get a jump on that last-minute Christmas shopping or stop in for a snack at one of the businesses in town that will stay open throughout the evening. Don’t forget to look for the new shops in town and enjoy specials just for Olde Tyme Christmas shoppers.                                       

Wagon Rides        

Starts at St Paul’s Church with a stop at Funkstown Park.

The first wagon ride leaves at 6:30 and the last

ride will be leaving at 8:30. Rides are limited

to 20 people each.

Pony Rides

Again this year we will have pony rides for the kids in the park. Just stop by and our friends from Serendipity will be more than happy to help ride in to Christmas.

St Paul’s Church                

The church will also be open with a variety

of seasonal music in the sanctuary. Baltimore St. doors will be open, for people to warm up and use restrooms if needed. 6-9PM A music program will begin around 6:30 and continue for aprox 30-45 minutes. Instumental, vocal and hand bells will be provided. Pre-recorded music will be playing afterward playing traditional Christmas music. There will not be food/drink

available and no craft sales due to Covid.

See Santa                                                        

Santa will ride through the town around 7 p.m. Give him a wave

and hand your Christmas list to the fireman driving the truck for

him to read later.                        

Christmas Ornament Sale

Again this year, we have a new glass ornament with a hand drawn picture of one of the historic town landmarks on it.  This year will feature the Josph Hebb’s Undertakers Parlor Circa 1912. The price is $7.00 each, including the display box, and will be available at the town hall.  Artwork is by Funkstown resident, Lorraine Smith.  Ornaments from previous years are also for sale at discounted prices.

Street Paving


Green Street from Westside Avenue to High Street will be paved on Thursday, November 4th during the day. Parking will not be allowed on the street, and for safety reasons, PLEASE make sure if your vehicle is parked  in your driveway that you have it all the way in the driveway, and not hanging out at the edge. Thank you for your understanding.