Excluded Projects

For Categorically Excluded Projects

Notice to the Public of Intent to Request Release of Funds

Date: November 27, 2023

Name of Grantee: Town of Funkstown

Address of Grantee: 30 East Baltimore Street P.O. Box 235 Funkstown, MD 21734 Phone Number of Grantee: 301-791-0948

The purpose of this Notice is to identify actions to be taken by the Town of Funkstown.

On or about December 5, 2023 the above named Town of Funkstown will request that the Maryland Department of Housing and Community Development release Appalachian Regional Commission (ARC) grant funds, administered by the Maryland Department of Housing and Community Development, to be used for the following project:

Project Title: Funkstown Sanitary Sewer Inflow and Infiltration (I &I) Rehabilitation Purpose of Project: Reduce excess strain on the town’s wastewater treatment facility caused by inflow and infiltration by repairing degraded segments of the sanitary sewer collection system.

Location: Town of Funkstown Sanitary Sewer Collection System Total Project Cost: $222,756.00

Notice is hereby given that Town of Funkstown has prepared an Environmental Review Record on the project(s) described in this Notice and has determined said project(s) to be Categorically Excluded under the provisions of the National Environmental Policy Act of 1969 (NEPA) as amended.

The Environmental Review Record which documents the Environmental Review of these project(s) is available for public examination at the Town of Funkstown offices during normal business hours.

Request for Release of Funds

The Town of Funkstown will undertake the project(s) described above with ARC funds. This Notice also certifies that Paul Crampton, Jr., serving in the official capacity of Mayor, consents to accept the jurisdiction of the Federal Courts if an action is to be brought to enforce responsibilities in relation to the environmental reviews, decision-making, and action; and certifies that these responsibilities have been satisfied. The State’s approval of the certification satisfies its responsibility under NEPA and related laws and authorities, and allows the Town to use ARC funds.

Objections to Release of Funds

Objections to the release of funds will be accepted by the Department of Housing and Community Development only if one or more of the following apply: (a) that the certification was not in fact executed by the Certifying Officer; or (b) that the Town of Funkstown has omitted a step or failed to make a decision or finding required by HUD regulations at 24 CFR Part 58; or (c) the grant recipient or other participants in the development process have committed funds, incurred costs or undertaken activities not authorized by this part before Release of Funds and approval of the environmental certification by DHCD; or (d) another Federal agency acting pursuant to 40 CFR Part 1504 has submitted a written finding that the project is unsatisfactory from the standpoint of environmental quality. All interested agencies, groups, and persons disagreeing with this decision are invited to submit written comments to the Town of Funkstown and to the CDBG Environmental Officer, MD Department of Housing and Community Development, 7800 Harkins Road, Lanham, MD, Maryland 20706. All such comments must be received no later than December 21, 2023.

Power outage

The power company has advised that there will be an outage effecting East Baltimore, East Chestnut street and the Stouffer ave area on Wednesday between 8-3. If weather conditions do not work out it will be the same times on Thursday of this week.

Meeting date change

Due to employee illness and additional time needed for paperwork preparation, the Mayor and Council meeting has been rescheduled to Wednesday, May 31st at 7:00 p.m. at Town Hall.

We apologize for any inconvenience.

Possible water issues.


Please read the City of Hagerstown’s press release as this could affect Funkstown customers.  Any additional problems that might occur, the Town of Funkstown after hours number is 301-992-0581.

Second Attempt at Water Main Repair Scheduled for Friday-Saturday

Some customers should prepare for service impacts





In order to make a repair to the 24-inch water transmission main on Bottom Road in Williamsport, the City of Hagerstown Water Division will be shutting down the R. C. Willson Water Treatment Plant (WTP) effective late Friday night, May 12, to enable crews to close valves and drain the transmission main so they can perform the work necessary to fix an existing leak.


Customers in Zone 1, which straddles Halfway Boulevard east of Wesel Boulevard, and those who are in higher elevations and closest to the plant “should prepare to be impacted,” with reduced water pressure or an interruption of service, , should prepare to be impacted.  They are likely to experience a reduction in water pressure or an interruption in service.  Bottling water and filling bathtubs is suggested in advance, and water conservation is highly recommended during the WTP shutdown—which is expected to last for about 8 hours.


As a result of the shutdown and repair work, some customers may detect discoloration in their water supply.  The issue is typically temporary, and can be remedied by allowing the cold water (and cold water only) to run until the water clears.  Customers who encounter problems should call the Water Distribution office at 301-739-8577, extensions 680 and 690, during normal working hours.  After hours, customers should call 301-223-7424.


Street paving

Street paving work is expected to start on Monday, April 10th.  No Parking Signs will be put up and traffic cones placed where needed prior to Monday.

The following streets will be milled and overlayed:

  • East Maple Street from Frederick Road to South High Street
  • South High Street from East Green Street to Cul de Sac
  • East Green Street from South High Street to Frederick Road
  • West Maple Street from South Westside Avenue to East Maple Street
  • South Antietam Street from West/East Maple Street to East Baltimore Street
  • South High Street and East Cemetery Street (at the intersection)

If possible, please try and avoid those streets as traffic delays will occur.

                     **********ALL PAVING WORK IS SUBJECT TO WEATHER**********

Olde Tyme Christmas Chairman position

Hello My friends, My wife and I Have been the chairmen of the Olde Tyme Christmas event for over 25 years. We started out with 12 people on the committee and over the years that number has dwindled down to just the wife and I for the last few years. We love the event but feel it is time for some fresh blood to take over and bring some new ideas to the table. We will be glad to help the next chairman get started but we will not be in-charge next year and if someone does not step up to take over the event the town will not have the this great celebration. Please contact the town hall if you are interested. It has been a long and wonderful ride but it is time for us to enjoy someone else’s hard work for a change. Thanks to all of the wonder people that have helped over the years.

Cub Scouts in Funkstown

The Funkstown Pack 23 is gearing up for fun! Cub Scouting is for youth (Boys or Girls) in kindergarten through fifth grade. They will be meeting the 2nd and 4th Tuesdays of each month upstairs at the town hall in the Scout Hall starting at 6:30PM. come on out for the most fun you can have as a kid!!!

Update Details for the Wastewater Pumping Stations Bid

Lowering the Flag

Have you ever wondered why the flag is lowered or even when to lower it? Click the link below to be singed up for a notification on the when and whys the flag is at half staff.

Flag services

Funkstown Food Truck 5K Trail Run/Walk

Enjoy an evening in Historic Funkstown! Embrace the scenic views that the Funkstown Community has to offer. This 3.1-mile course runs across the 76-acre Historic Battlefield of Funkstown, Maryland. Starting in the Parks Maple Street Entrance, hitting the mouth of the trail along Old National Pike, running through Artz Farm, and back into the trails of Funkstown Community Park along Beaver Creek road. Racers will experience cross country terrains along the trails as well as normal terrains. Official time will be kept professionally by Racine Multi-Sports. Course maps and race details will be emailed to participants, available online and posted at the event. After the race, grab your family and a bite to eat from one of our many food trucks, grab a cold drink, enjoy live music, and cap the night off with an amazing firework display.

Sign Up for the Run Here

In addition to the festivity’s the Funkstown Scouts will be having a recruitment event at the same location. If you have a young Boy or Girl that would like all of the actives that scouts get in too like cooking, hiking, and community service to name a few, and are in Kindergarten up to 17 years of age. Please bring them out and talk to the recruiters about all of the fun stuff that we do throughout the year. The kids under 11 can try out the inflatable archery. Anyone over the age of 11 can take a swing at throwing axes.