Day in the Park planing meeting

The preliminary planing meeting for the 2020 Day in the Park will be held September 5th at 6:00 at the town hall. Anyone that would like to help with the event please try to attend so that we can get new ideas for next years event.

Crab Feed

The Funkstown legion will be having a crab feed on September 14 from 12-4 please contact the legion for more details.

State Title

Congratulations to the Funkstown Legion ball team the Skunks for winning their 10th State title.

Mud Turtle Day

Last year Funkstown declared July 9th Flying Mud Turtle Day. This day is in honor of Jr Hose who was a long time resident of Funkstown and had lots of fun and influence on most of the youth in town from time to time.

Holiday updates

The Town of Funkstown office will be closed on Thursday, July 4, 2019 and Friday, July 5, 2019 in observance of the Fourth of July holiday.

The office will reopen of Monday, July 8, 2019 at 8:00 a.m.

Have a safe and wonderful holiday!

Also Trash pick up will be Friday this week.


For Immediate Release

Contact: MDOT SHA Office of Communications – (410) 545-0303


Motorists Should Expect Daytime Single-Lane Closures and Parking Restrictions

(July 3, 2019) – Next week, the Maryland Department of Transportation State Highway Administration (MDOT SHA) will begin a project to improve approximately one mile of US 40 Alternate in Funkstown. The project will be complete by the end of July.  

Crews will patch, mill (remove the top layer of asphalt), pave and stripe US 40 Alternate between West Baltimore Street, Kenley Avenue and East Maple Street. MDOT SHA’s contractor, C. William Hetzer of Hagerstown, will use flaggers, cones and barrels to guide motorist through the work zone. Curbside parking will be restricted during the work and notice will be posted in the affected areas.

Work will take place Monday through Friday between 9 a.m. and 3 p.m. Approximately 6,300 vehicles travel on this section of US 40 Alternate per day. Motorists are encouraged to allow for additional commuting time and seek alternate parking.

MDOT SHA works hard to maintain safe traffic mobility in work zones for our crews as well as our contractor. Drivers need to stay alert, focus on the road and look for reduced speed limits, narrow driving lanes and highway workers. Drive like you work here and slowdown in construction zones.

For a list of all major MDOT SHA projects, click on Road Ready, MDOT SHA’s electronic construction brochure. For a look at real-time commute conditions, log onto


Car Show

The event is Free to spectators so come out and support you local scouts and enjoy the cars.

Town Clean Up

Town Clean Up May 17, 18, 2019

Town Clean Up will be held on Friday, May 17, 2019 from 8:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m., and on Saturday, May 18, 2019 from 8:00 a.m. to 12:00 noon. 

The dumpster will be located at the Funkstown Community Park.  This service is only available to Funkstown residents.  Proof of identification will be required – driver’s license, water bill.  NO EXCEPTIONS!

Acceptable items:

Refrigerators and Freezers, Air Conditioners, Dehumidifiers and Humidifiers –

  Must have certified technician – tag of Freon removed

Washers and Dryers, Dishwashers, Stoves, Wood Stoves, Trash Compactors, Furnaces, Water Heaters, Exercise Equipment, Mattresses and Box Springs, Furniture.

Non-acceptable items:

Construction and Building Material, Propane Tanks, Wet Paint Cans, Tires, Batteries, Yard Waste, Concrete Materials, Televisions, Fencing, Gasoline, Oil, and other inflammables, Hazardous Waste, Explosives and Ammunition, Dead Animals, No Household Trash.

Spring Fling

Spring Fling
Enjoy the biggest easter egg hunt you have ever seen not to mention if you look around very closely you may also see the largest rabbit you have ever seen as well.
Saturday, April 20, 2019 at 11 AM – 1 PM
Held at the Funkstown Park.
Hosted by St. Paul’s Lutheran, Funkstown

Yard waste pick up.

Just a reminder, Yard waste will be picked up from the first Tuesday in April to the last Tuesday in November. Please set it out Monday night.