2020 Census

It is of the utmost importance that everyone in Funkstown fill out the Census papers for 2020. The last census the Town of Funkstown had the worst reporting rate in the state. If people do NOT fill out the paperwork it effects the amount of funding that the town could receive in the future. Please help us help you and fill out your census papers.

Trash Pickup 1/2/2020

Due to the New Years Holiday the trash pick up for Funkstown will be Friday the 3rd for this week.

Trash Pickup 12/17/2019

Trash pick up will be delayed for one day due to the snow event this week.

Santa is coming to town

Scouting For Food

This is a season when some of our neighbors may be in need of one of the most basic necessity, food. Scouts will come to your house this coming Saturday the 16th to pick up whatever food you can set out by 8:00 AM. The items that they are looking for are Canned Vegetables, Canned Fish, Canned Beef Stew, Canned Potatoes, Canned soup, Canned Fruit, Canned Milk, Baby Formula, Baby Cereal, Powered Milk, Packaged Food, Peanut Butter, Fruits and Juices, Macaroni, Cereal, and Paper goods. Please nothing perishable, frozen or in glass. Please have your donations in a plastic bag for pickup at the front door. Lets help the scouts make sure that the warmth and love of this holiday season is felt by everyone.

Winter Warning

As most of you know by now that water meters through out town have been replaced with Radio Read meters. That is the round plastic “bump” in the middle of the water meter lid. If that “Bump” gets damaged over the winter by a snow shovel or snow blower please contact the Town Office as soon as you find the problem. It has nothing to do with reading the meter and everything to do with the hole that will be open up in the top of the water meter vault which will allow the water to freeze. Not only do you take the chance of freezing and busting a pipe but that will cause you a loss of water service until the problem is fixed.



The Funkstown Halloween Parade is scheduled for THURSDAY, OCTOBER 24, 2019 –  Parade starts at 6:00 p.m. (lineup 5:30 p.m.)

Located on Chestnut Street (rear of Town Hall).  Following the parade, a Halloween Costume Contest and party will be held at

The Funkstown American Legion. All children are invited to attend.

Trick – or – Treat is scheduled for FRIDAY, OCTOBER 25, 2019  from 6:00 – 8:00 p.m.

Funkstown residents that wish to participate are ask to turn on your porch light.


Never go out alone, stay in well lighted areas, and parents should check the treats for safety, and HAVE FUN!

See Something Say Something

We have heard that people have been having problems with kids in town. Please make sure that if you see something, you say something. Years ago the town had a Neighborhood watch and this can still happen on a individual basis. If you see things that are not right OR have an issue with some youth PLEASE do not take a chance and take matters in your own hands, call 911 and let the police handle it. We do pay extra for additional patrols but the police schedule their patrols in areas of most need and if they are not getting calls then they have NO idea of the problems that we have in town. We want all of our citizens to remain safe. Make sure your cars and doors are lock. Don’t leave windows open and make sure your porch is well lit. Last call the police when when you don’t feel safe.

Dancing Among The Stars

Rubbish Roundup

ACWA is once again going to host a trash cleanup on the Antietam from the Mt Aetna bridge down to the Legion in Funkstown on Sunday 9/8 from 9am-1pm. We will be walking both side and if you have a boat then your are welcome to clean up from the waters surface. Come out and help keep America beautiful.