The most recent minutes will be at the top of this page, Scroll down to see previous minutes.
NOVEMBER 11, 2024
The regular meeting of the Funkstown Mayor and Council was held on Monday, November 11, 2024 at 7:00 p.m. in the Mayor and Council Chambers at Town Hall.
In attendance were Mayor Paul Crampton, Jr., Assistant Mayor Sharon Chirgott, Terry Feiser, John Phillips, III, and Barry Warrenfeltz.
Also in attendance were James Gonder, Charlie Evans, Marie Royce, Angel Stewart, and Brenda Haynes, Town Manager.
This meeting of the Mayor and Council, in compliance with the Maryland Open Meetings Law and the Emergency Ordinance of the Town regarding Open Meeting Compliance, will be audio streamed via the Town’s Facebook page. In person attendance is now permitted at the meetings.
A moment of silence was held, followed by the Pledge of Allegiance by full assemblage.
Motion was made by Councilman John Phillips, III, seconded by Councilman Terry Feiser to approved the minutes. Unanimously approved.
MML Dinner
A count was taken for the next MML Dinner to be held on Monday, November 25, 2024, and will be hosted by the Town of Clear Spring. The meeting will be held at the Clear Spring American Legion located at 12335 Big Spring Road. The social hour will begin at 6:00 p.m., followed by the evening meal at 6:45 p.m. The menu for the evening will consist of stuffed chicken breast, baked haddock, mashed potatoes and gravy, succotash, fruit salad, tea and lemonade. The cost for this meal will be $35.00.
Engineering work is currently being done for the open storm drain on East Poplar Street. The Town is applying for funding to close in the storm drain. Mr. Gonder lives at 14 East Poplar Street and part of the drain runs through his yard. He does not want the part of the drain closed that is located on his property. Mayor Paul Crampton, Jr. stated that when the project starts to close in the drain, his property will not be included to close in that section of the drain. Mr. Gonder will, however, be responsible for any maintenance or repairs to that part of the storm drain that is located on his property, if needed. The Council agreed with that decision.
Councilman Terry Feiser thanked Connor Shank for his hard work with the Halloween Parade. He did a wonderful job.
Page Two
Motion was made by Councilman Terry Feiser, seconded by Councilman John Phillips, III to pay the bills. Unanimously approved.
Motion was made by Councilman Terry Feiser, seconded by Councilman John Phillips, III to adjourn. Unanimously approved.
Brenda L. Haynes, Town Manager
——————————————————————————————————————————————————————MAYOR & COUNCIL
OCTOBER 21, 2024
The regular meeting of the Funkstown Mayor and Council was held on Monday, October 21, 2024, at 7:00 p.m. in the Mayor and Council Chambers at Town Hall.
In attendance were Mayor Paul Crampton, Jr., Assistant Mayor Sharon Chirgott, Terry Feiser, Rich Gaver, and Barry Warrenfeltz.
Also in attendance were Connor Shank, Korbin Hammer, Anthony Hammer, Marie Royce, Angel Stewart, Joey Royce, and Brenda Haynes, Town Manager.
This meeting of the Mayor and Council, in compliance with the Maryland Open Meetings Law and the Emergency Ordinance of the Town regarding Open Meeting Compliance, will be audio streamed via the Town’s Facebook page. In person attendance is now permitted at the meetings.
A moment of silence was held, followed by the Pledge of Allegiance by full assemblage.
Motion was made by Assistant Mayor Sharon Chirgott, seconded by Councilman Rich Gaver to approve the minutes. Unanimously approved.
Connor Shank – Halloween Parade
Mr. Connor Shank provided the Mayor and Council with a Halloween Parade packet that includes the lineup, staging procedures and route. There are six bands this year: Northern Middle School, Western Heights Middle School, Springfield Middle School, Boonsboro Middle School, E. Russell Hicks Middle School, and South Hagerstown High School. The lineup will be on Chestnut Street in front of Town Hall parking lot, and the parking lot area will be used this year as a holding area for parents with their children marching in the parade. Volunteers are needed.
Mr. Korbin Hammer is a Life Scout with Scout Troop 23. His Eagle Project will be to put ground pavers and twelve trees around the new electronic sign that was placed on the corner of Frederick Road by the Monument intersection. Sunny Meadows will be covering the cost of materials and supplies. Motion was made by Councilman John Phillips, III, seconded by Assistant Mayor Sharon Chirgott. Motion approved with Councilman Rich Gaver abstaining from voting.
Councilman Rich Gaver stated that he reached out to Ms. Keldra Morningstar who is chairing the Olde Tyme Christmas celebration. The event will be held on Saturday, December 7th from 3:00-8:00 p.m. Craft vendors will be held at St. Paul’s Lutheran Church. Flyers will be distributed by the Boy Scouts.
Councilman Rich Gaver stated that the Boy Scouts will have a workday on Saturday, October 26th starting at 8:00 a.m. They will be painting the wagon at the park, and painting windows at the barn.
Councilman Barry Warrenfeltz stated that St. Paul’s Lutheran Church is offering dance classes.
Motion was made by Councilman Rich Gaver, seconded by Assistant Mayor Sharon Chirgott to pay the bills. Unanimously approved.
Motion was made by Councilman Rich Gaver, seconded by Councilman John Phillips, III to adjourn. Unanimously approved.
Brenda L. Haynes, Town Manager
The regular meeting of the Funkstown Mayor and Council was held on Monday, September 9, 2024, at 7:00 p.m. in the Mayor and Council Chambers at Town Hall.
In attendance were Mayor Paul Crampton, Jr., Assistant Mayor Sharon Chirgott, Terry Feiser, Gary Middlekauff, Rich Gaver, and Barry Warrenfeltz.
Also in attendance were Charlie Evans, Connor Shank, Josette Gustavus, Angel Stewart, and Brenda Haynes, Town Manager.
This meeting of the Mayor and Council, in compliance with the Maryland Open Meetings Law and the Emergency Ordinance of the Town regarding Open Meeting Compliance, will be audio streamed via the Town’s Facebook page. In person attendance is now permitted at the meetings.
A moment of silence was held, followed by the Pledge of Allegiance by full assemblage.
Motion was made by Councilman Gary Middlekauff, seconded by Councilman Barry Warrenfeltz to approve the minutes. Unanimously approved.
Josette Gustavus – Joker’s Tavern
Ms. Josette Gustavus requested to the Mayor and Council if the block of Antietam Street between Baltimore and Chestnut Street can be closed the evening of Trick or Treat for Joker’s Tavern to host Trunk or Treat for the children. Motion was made by Councilman Terry Feiser, seconded by Councilman Rich Gaver to approve Trunk or Treat the evening of Trick or Treat, Friday, October 25th from 6:00 – 8:00 p.m. and to put up No Parking Signs on both sides of the street on that block. Unanimously approved.
Jessica Snyder – Guten Tag
Ms. Jessica Snyder submitted a letter requesting to use the parking lot area at the monument for several events scheduled in 2024. She is planning to host a 15th anniversary celebration of her business and would like to have a food truck for the occasion. Motion was made by Councilman Rich Gaver, seconded by Councilman Terry Feiser to approve her request. Unanimously approved.
Mr. Connor Shank thanked everyone that came out and supported and participated in the Funkstown Food Truck Festival. Unfortunately, the event was rained out after it started. Mr. Shank thanked the fire chief for the weather update regarding the lighting to safely get everyone out of the park. The fireworks on Sunday evening were very nice, and there was a good turnout.
Mr. Connor Shank is chairing the Halloween Parade to be held on Thursday, October 24th, and he is working on sending invitations out to past participants.
Motion was made by Councilman Rich Gaver, seconded by Assistant Mayor Sharon Chirgott to pay the bills. Unanimously approved.
Motion was made by Councilman Rich Gaver, seconded by Councilman Barry Warrenfeltz to adjourn. Unanimously approved.
Brenda L. Haynes, Town Manager
——————————————————————————————————————————————————————MAYOR & COUNCIL
DECEMBER 11, 2023
The regular meeting of the Funkstown Mayor and Council was held on Monday, December 11, 2023 at 7:00 p.m. in the Mayor and Council Chambers at Town Hall.
In attendance were Mayor Paul Crampton, Jr.; Assistant Mayor Sharon Chirgott, Gary Middlekauff, Barry Warrenfeltz and Rich Gaver.
Also in attendance were Marie Royce and Brenda Haynes, Town Manager.
This meeting of the Mayor and Council, in compliance with the Maryland Open Meetings Law and the Emergency Ordinance of the Town regarding Open Meeting Compliance, will be audio streamed via the Town’s Facebook page. In person attendance is now permitted at the meetings.
A moment of silence was held, followed by the Pledge of Allegiance by full assemblage.
Motion was made by Assistant Mayor Sharon Chirgott, seconded by Councilman Rich Gaver to approve the minutes. Unanimously approved.
MML Dinner
The Town of Funkstown will be hosting the MML dinner on Monday, January 22, 2024. The dinner will be held at the Elks Lodge located at 11063 Robinwood Drive, Hagerstown. The menu for the evening will consist of broasted chicken, broiled salmon filet, baked sugar cured ham, scalloped potatoes, green beans, tossed salad, cherry pie, coffee, hot and iced tea. A cash bar will be available.
The Mayor and Council approved Haynes Controls to install a transfer switch at each pump station.
The Mayor and Council would like to use the funding to put the cameras at the barn instead of the Treatment Plant due to the barn being vandalized.
Marie Royce asked the Mayor and Council if there were any rules for residents removing leaves and for snow removal. A discussion was held and it was recommended that cleaning the leaves will help with the drainage. Sidewalks need to be cleared within 24 hours after snow fall.
Motion was made by Councilman Rich Gaver, seconded by Councilman Barry Warrenfeltz to pay the bills. Unanimously approved.
Motion was made by Councilman Rich Gaver, seconded by Councilman Gary Middlekauff to adjourn the meeting. Unanimously approved.
Kelli A. Roser, Town Secretary
NOVEMBER 13, 2023
The regular meeting of the Funkstown Mayor and Council was held on Monday, November 13, 2023, at 7:00 p.m. in the Mayor and Council Chambers at Town Hall.
In attendance were Mayor Paul Crampton, Jr., Assistant Mayor Sharon Chirgott, Terry Feiser, Rich Gaver, and Barry Warrenfeltz.
Also in attendance were Dakota Watson, Washington County Sheriff’s Dept., Jeff Cline, Djako Djoman, Cindy Rowe, Tim Rowe, Megan Stoner, Philip Clifton, Kyd Dieterich, Indy Baer, Lori Thomas, and Brenda Haynes, Town Manager.
This meeting of the Mayor and Council, in compliance with the Maryland Open Meetings Law and the Emergency Ordinance of the Town regarding Open Meeting Compliance, will be audio streamed via the Town’s Facebook page. In person attendance is now permitted at the meetings.
A moment of silence was held, followed by the Pledge of Allegiance by full assemblage.
Public Hearing – COMCAST
The meeting was called to order as a Public Hearing by the Mayor and Council, and was pursuant to the provisions of the Cable Franchise Agreement between Antietam Broadband and the Town of Funkstown, to hear testimony regarding the advisability of granting a non-exclusive cable franchise to COMCAST and for the Mayor and Council to consider (1) highest and best use of the public rights-of-ways: (2) public convenience and necessity; (3) impact on private property; (4) aesthetic consequences; (5) economic impact on delivery of cable services and cable service areas; (6) other societal interest implicated in cable television franchising and any other matters relevant to the proposed non-exclusive cable service franchise as proposed in the Ordinance and Franchise introduced on October 9, 2023.
There were no public comments at the hearing.
Close Public Hearing
Motion was made by Councilman Rich Gaver, seconded by Councilman Terry Feiser to close the public hearing. Unanimously approved.
Regular Meeting
Motion was made by Councilman Rich Gaver, seconded by Councilman Terry Feiser to open the regular meeting. Unanimously approved.
Motion was made by Councilman Barry Warrenfeltz, seconded by Assistant Mayor Sharon Chirgott to approve the minutes. Unanimously approved.
Comcast Franchise Agreement/Ordinance
Motion was made by Councilman Terry Feiser, seconded by Councilman Rich Gaver to approve the Comcast Franchise Agreement/Ordinance and to approve the Resolution Enacting Ordinance-Comcast Cable Franchise. Unanimously approved.
Email from Dr. Djako Djoman – 42 Charlotte Street – Front Yard Inlet Safety Concerns
Mr. Djoman owns the property located at 42 Charlotte Street. He has a storm drain in front of his house and expressed concern regarding the safety of the inlet. He believes the inlet type should be changed. The major problem is the open gap on the side of the current inlet (three feet wide and six inches high), which he stated could cause serious injury to community children and adults. Councilman Terry Feiser stated that he spoke with Ralph Weaver, Washington County Site Inspector, and it meets their standard. A lengthy conversation was held, and the Mayor and Council will check to see if it meets code, and if so then David Lyles would be the responsible party to correct the inlet.
Kuczynski & Kuczynski – Holiday Open House Invitation
Mr. Ed Kuczynski, Town Attorney, invited the Mayor and Council to his Holiday Open House on Friday, December 8, 2023, from 5-8 p.m. at his office located at 22 West Salisbury Street, Williamsport, MD.
Councilman Rich Gaver stated that he has talked to Lauren Paulet and Keldra Morningstar, and the Olde Tyme Christmas event is coming along good. The event is scheduled for Saturday, December 9th from 3 to 8 p.m. The craft show will be held at the church.
Ms. Cindy Rowe owns the Blue Mountain Wine Shop on Baltimore Street. She would like to get permission to have a food truck on Thursday evenings. It will be placed long ways in front of the monument. The Mayor and Council do not have a problem with the food truck, but each food truck business needs to provide a Certificate of Liability Insurance and list the Town of Funkstown as a Certificate Holder.
Motion was made by Assistant Mayor Sharon Chirgott, seconded by Councilman Barry Warrenfeltz to pay the bills. Unanimously approved.
Motion was made by Councilman Rich Gaver, seconded by Assistant Mayor Sharon Chirgott to adjourn. Unanimously approved.
Brenda L. Haynes, Town Manager
OCTOBER 9, 2023
The regular meeting of the Funkstown Mayor and Council was held on Monday, October 9, 2023, at 7:00 p.m. in the Mayor and Council Chambers at Town Hall.
In attendance were Mayor Paul Crampton, Jr., Assistant Mayor Sharon Chirgott, Terry Feiser, Gary Middlekauff, and Barry Warrenfeltz.
Also in attendance were Parick Hoffmaster, Dakota Watson, Washington County Sheriff’s Dept.; Chris Comer, Comcast; Kelli Roser, Town Secretary, and Brenda Haynes, Town Manager.
This meeting of the Mayor and Council, in compliance with the Maryland Open Meetings Law and the Emergency Ordinance of the Town regarding Open Meeting Compliance, will be audio streamed via the Town’s Facebook page. In person attendance is now permitted at the meetings with social distancing and masks being optional.
A moment of silence was held, followed by the Pledge of Allegiance by full assemblage.
Motion was made by Assistant Mayor Sharon Chirgott, seconded by Councilman Barry Warrenfeltz to approve the minutes. Unanimously approved.
Patrick Hoffmaster – WWTP Operator
Mr. Patrick Hoffmaster provided an update of the WWTP to the Mayor and Council. The repair and/or replacement items that were approved several months ago are still in the process of being complete. Taylor’s pumped down the tanks and cleaned them out. There was an issue with the two battery backups, and Control Systems 21 installed new ones, and they are working.
Washington County Sheriff’s Dept – Community Deputy – Dakota Watkins
Deputy Watkins stated to the Mayor and Council that the homeless person that was sleeping at the post office is no longer there, and the issue has been resolved. This month general parking and traffic was enforced.
A Franchise Agreement from Comcast was given to the Mayor and Council for approval. Town Attorney Ed Kuczynski has made necessary changes to the Agreement. The Mayor and Council approve the paperwork and agree with moving forward with the Public Hearing and formal approval next month.
Donation to Washington County Fire Police to assist with Town Events/ Hotel Motel Funding
It is becoming harder to get enough Fire Police to assist with Town events. Fire Police Chief John Itnyre has requested that the Mayor and Council give a donation of $714 to help cover expenses. This donation is for the Re-enactment and the Town Parade assistance. Motion was made by Councilman Terry Feiser, seconded by Councilman Barry Warrenfeltz to give a donation to the Washington County Fire Police from Hotel/Motel funding for assistance with Town events. Unanimously approved.
Councilman Barry Warrenfeltz provided the Mayor and Council with a brochure for iWave Ion Air Purification device for Town Hall. The cost is $650.00. The device installs in any air conditioning or heating system. When air passes over the iWave, ions produced by the device reduce pathogens, allergens, particles, smoke and odors in the air, creating a healthy environment without producing any harmful byproducts. It kills mold, bacteria and viruses. During COVID, the Mayor and Council approved to purchase some type of air purification system for Town Hall, but was unsuccessful in locating one that would work in the office area. Motion was made by Councilman Terry Feiser, seconded by Councilman Gary Middlekauff to move forward with the purchase of the iWave device for $650.00. Unanimously approved. Councilman Barry Warrenfeltz abstained from voting.
Motion was made by Assistant Mayor Sharon Chirgott, seconded by Councilman Barry Warrenfeltz to pay the bills. Unanimously approved.
Motion was made by Councilman Barry Warrenfeltz, seconded by Councilman Gary Middlekauff to adjourn. Unanimously approved.
Brenda L. Haynes, Town Manager
SEPTEMBER 11, 2023
The regular meeting of the Funkstown Mayor and Council was held on Monday, September 11, 2023. at 7:00 p.m. in the Mayor and Council Chambers at Town Hall.
In attendance were Mayor Paul Crampton, Jr., Assistant Mayor Sharon Chirgott, Barry Warrenfeltz, Rich Gaver, John Phillips, III, Gary Middlekauff and Terry Feiser.
Also in attendance were Connor Shank, and Brenda Haynes, Town Manager.
The meeting of the Mayor and Council, in compliance with the Maryland Open Meetings Law and the Emergency Ordinance of the Town regarding Open Meeting Compliance, will be audio streamed via the Town’s Facebook page. In person attendance is now permitted at the meetings with social distancing and masks being optional.
A moment of silence was held, followed by the Pledge of Allegiance by full assemblage.
Motion was made by Councilman Rich Gaver seconded by Assistant Mayor Sharon Chirgott to approve the minutes. Unanimously approved.
Connor Shank – Funkstown Food Truck Event
Mr. Connor Shank stated that the event was a success. The event brought out over 3,000 people, and the fireworks were outstanding. Next year’s date has been reserved.
Connor Shank – Halloween Parade – October 26, 2023
Mr. Connor Shank will organize the parade this year, and it is still undecided if the American Legion will host a party. The town manager will take care of obtaining the Special Event Permit for the parade.
Cable Franchise Agreement/Ordinance for Comcast – DRAFT COPY
A copy of the Comcast Cable Franchise Agreement/Ordinance was given to the Mayor and Council for review and possible adoption. No discussion was held at this meeting.
Casa, Inc. – Invitation on September 14, 2023
An invitation was given to the Mayor and Council for Thursday, September 14th from 7:30 a.m. to 8:30 a.m. at the Ramada Inn, 1718 Underpass Way, Hagerstown. A light breakfast will be provided. Casa will share the services they offer to the community. The goal is to foster relationships throughout Washington County to work together to advocate and support individuals in need within the community.
MML Dinner
A count was taken for the next MML Dinner to be held on Monday, September 25, 2023, and will be hosted by the Town of Keedysville at the McClellan Gun Club.
The social hour will begin at 6:00 p.m., followed by the evening meal at 6:45 p.m. The menu for the evening will consist of grilled steak, or vegetarian lasagna, baked potato, a vegetable, salad, dessert, and cold beverages. The cost for the meal will be $30.00.
Motion was made by Assistant Mayor Sharon Chirgott, seconded by Councilman Rich Gaver to approve the bills. Unanimously approved.
Motion was made by Councilman Barry Warrenfeltz, seconded by Councilman John Phillips, III to adjourn. Unanimously approved.
Brenda L. Haynes
Brenda L. Haynes, Town Manager
AUGUST 14, 2023
The regular meeting of the Funkstown Mayor and Council was held on Monday, August 14, 2023. at 7:00 p.m. in the Mayor and Council Chambers at Town Hall.
In attendance were Mayor Paul Crampton, Jr., Assistant Mayor Sharon Chirgott, Barry Warrenfeltz, Rich Gaver, John Phillips, III, Gary Middlekauff and Terry Feiser.
Also in attendance were Sandra Rivera Velez, Angel Rivera, Larry Hurd, Patti Hurd, Shelley Lebel, Matthew Shipe, Connor Shank, Franklin Douckagha, Michael Djan, Steven Semrad, Jonathan Almonte, Cales Delen, Samraut Asrau, Carmen Williams, Robert Maxwell, Steph Maxwell, Arlene Lake, Everet Lake, Howard Robinson, Ramont Phoenix, Sr., Pawel Gowlik, and Brenda Haynes, Town Manager.
The meeting of the Mayor and Council, in compliance with the Maryland Open Meetings Law and the Emergency Ordinance of the Town regarding Open Meeting Compliance, will be audio streamed via the Town’s Facebook page. In person attendance is now permitted at the meetings with social distancing and masks being optional.
A moment of silence was held, followed by the Pledge of Allegiance by full assemblage.
Motion was made by Councilman John Phillips, III, seconded by Councilman Rich Gaver to approve the minutes. Unanimously approved.
Gaver Meadows Discussion
A lengthy discussion was held regarding high water bills in the development. Some of the residents believe they are paying out of town rates. Their HOA requires them to water the lawns, and approximately four garden hoses are on a timer hooked up to the hose bib, and the lawns are being watered several hours a day. The residents still believe the meters are not reading accurately. Those residents that would like the maintenance staff to show them the meter is not moving, which indicates a leak were asked to put their telephone number on the sign in book. The Town will have one meter located at 58 Charlotte Street pulled and taken to the City of Hagerstown to be tested to show the residents that the meters are not the issue.
Connor Shank – Funkstown Food Truck Event
Mr. Connor Shank is chairing the event again this year. Due to the amount of work, and the small turnout, the 5K run will not be part of the event. The following is the schedule for the event:
No ticket needed – no fee to attend the festival. There will be entry fees for the corn hole tournament ( $40/team of 2) All other activities are FREE or individually charged by the businesses attending.
Car show Registration starts at 4pm – Entry Fee $10
Free car plaque to the first 50 entrees, Shaded parking spaces
$50 & trophy awarded to the winner in each of these categories: Best Car, Best Truck, Best Motorcycle, Scouts Choice
Register for the Cornhole tournament here:…/cornhole-tournament-AZWCBdH…
This event takes place RAIN OR SHINE.
4:00 PM: Corn Hole Tournament
4:00 PM: Pack 23 Car Show Registration
4:00 PM – 8:00 PM Lawn games & Activities for all ages
5:00 PM – 7:00 PM: Pack 23 Car Show
5:00 PM – 8:00 PM Food Trucks begin serving
5:00 PM – 6:00 PM: Gad Abouts Dance Club- Pavilion 2
5:00 PM – 8:00 PM Ax Throwing
5:30 PM – 8:30 PM MUSIC: The Lana Spence Band
Dark: Fireworks
Food Trucks:
Tucker’s Pucker: Fresh Squeezed Lemonade
Stoner Dogs Subs and Sammies: Assortment of deep fried hotdogs and other sandwiches & sides
Captain’s Creations: Charcuterie Style Foods
Fryz A Holic: Fresh cut french-fries, and sandwiches
Funnel-N-Around: Fresh, Hot Funnel Cakes
The 301: Street Tacos, Burritos, & Bowls
The Cupcake Gypsie: Gourmet Cupcake Offerings
Make plans to bring the whole family out for a night of fun in Funkstown!
Motion was made by Assistant Mayor Sharon Chirgott, seconded by Councilman Rich Gaver to approve the bills. Unanimously approved.
Motion was made by Councilman Rich Gaver, seconded by Councilman John Phillips, III to adjourn. Unanimously approved.
Brenda L. Haynes, Town Manager
JULY 10, 2023
The regular meeting of the Funkstown Mayor and Council was held on Monday, July 10, 2023. at 7:00 p.m. in the Mayor and Council Chambers at Town Hall.
In attendance were Mayor Paul Crampton, Jr., Assistant Mayor Sharon Chirgott, Barry Warrenfeltz, Rich Gaver, John Phillips, III and Terry Feiser.
Also in attendance were Perry Rhodes, Marie Royce, Dakota Watkins, Arnold Platou, and Brenda Haynes, Town Manager.
The meeting of the Mayor and Council, in compliance with the Maryland Open Meetings Law and the Emergency Ordinance of the Town regarding Open Meeting Compliance, will be audio streamed via the Town’s Facebook page. In person attendance is now permitted at the meetings with social distancing and masks are optional.
A moment of silence was held, followed by the Pledge of Allegiance by full assemblage.
Motion was made by Councilman Rich Gaver, seconded by Assistant Mayor Sharon Chirgott to approve the minutes. Unanimously approved.
Community Deputy Program
Deputy Watkins introduced himself to the Mayor and Council. He will be the Community Deputy in Funkstown eight hours a week.
MML Dinner
A count was taken for the next MML Dinner to be hosted by the Town of Williamsport.
Warrenfeltz Refrigeration Proposal – Town Hall Upstairs Air Condition System
Warrenfeltz Refrigeration Inc. submitted a proposal for an air condition system for the upstairs of Town Hall. The proposal is for $12,900.00. Motion was made by Councilman Rich Gaver, seconded by Councilman John Phillips, III to approve the proposal for $12,900.00. Councilman Barry Warrenfeltz abstained from voting.
WWTP – Update – Patrick Hoffmaster
A detailed spreadsheet of the email dated April 24, 2023 from Patrick Hoffmaster detailing a list of approved items for the WWTP totaling $152,889.29. Motion was made by Councilman Rich Gaver, seconded by Councilman Barry Warrenfeltz to approve the list, and move forward with ordering the items for immediate installation. Unanimously approved.
Motion was made by Councilman Rich Gaver, seconded by Councilman Barry Warrenfeltz to approve the bills. Unanimously approved.
Motion was made by Councilman Rich Gaver, seconded by Councilman Terry Feiser to adjourn. Unanimously approved.
Brenda L. Haynes, Town Manager
JUNE 12, 2023 7:00P.M.
The regular meeting of the Funkstown Mayor and Council was held on Monday, June 12, 2023. at 7:00 p.m. in the Mayor and Council Chambers at Town Hall.
In attendance were Mayor Paul Crampton, Jr., Assistant Mayor Sharon Chirgott, Barry Warrenfeltz, Rich Gaver, John Phillips, III and Terry Feiser.
Also in attendance was Brenda Haynes, Town Manager.
The meeting of the Mayor and Council, in compliance with the Maryland Open Meetings Law and the Emergency Ordinance of the Town regarding Open Meeting Compliance, will be audio streamed via the Town’s Facebook page. In person attendance is now permitted at the meetings with social distancing and masks are optional.
A moment of silence was held, followed by the Pledge of Allegiance by full assemblage.
Public Hearing
The meeting was called to order as a Public Hearing by the Mayor and Council for the sole purpose of receiving comments in reference to a proposed water rate increase and adoption of the General Fund and Enterprise Fund Budgets.
The public hearing is scheduled pursuant to the provisions of the Annotated Code of Maryland and the Charter of the Town of Funkstown, to consider whether or not to revise the water rates, and adoption of the budgets.
There were no public comments at the hearing.
Motion was made by Councilman Rich Gaver, seconded by Councilman Barry Warrenfeltz to close the public hearing. Unanimously approved.
Water Rates
The City of Hagerstown will be increasing the water rates to the Town by three percent effective July 1, 2023.
Motion was made by Councilman Rich Gaver, seconded by Councilman Barry Warrenfeltz to increase in town and out of town rates by three percent. Unanimously approved.
Motion was made by Assistant Mayor Sharon Chirgott, seconded by Councilman Rich Gaver to approve the minutes. Unanimously approved.
Motion was made by Councilman Rich Gaver, seconded by Councilman Barry Warrenfeltz to adopt the General Fund and Enterprise Fund Budgets for Fiscal Year July 1, 2023 to June 30, 2024, and the Budget Ordinance. Unanimously approved.
Water Rates
Motion was made by Councilman Rich Gaver, seconded by Councilman Barry Warrenfeltz to increase the in town and out of town rates by three percent. Unanimousaly approved.
Motion was made by Councilman John Phillips, III, seconded by Councilman Terry Feiser to pay the bills. Unsnimouslu approved.
Motion was made by Councilman Rich Gaver, seconded by Councilman Barry Warrenfeltz to adjourn. Unanimously approved. __________________________________________
Brenda L. Haynes, Town Manager
MAY 31, 2023 7:00P.M.
The regular meeting of the Funkstown Mayor and Council was held on Wednesday, May 31, 2023 at 7:00
p.m. in the Mayor and Council Chambers at Town Hall
In attendance were Mayor Paul Crampton, Jr., Assistant Mayor Sharon Chirgott, Terry Feiser, Gary Middlekauff, Barry Warrenfeltz, Rich Gaver, and John Phillips, Ill.
Also in attendance were Matt Smith, Pat Bailey. Aaron Stephens, Ed Reagan, Jeanne Doney, Arnold Platou, Brenda Haynes, Town Manager, and Kelli Roser, Town Secretary.
The meeting of the Mayor and Council, in compliance with the Maryland Open Meetings Law and the Emergency Ordinance of the Town regarding Open Meeting Compliance, will be audio streamed via the Town’s Facebook page. In person attendance is now permitted at the meetings with social distancing and masks are optional.
A moment of silence was held, followed by the Pledge of Allegiance by full assemblage.
Motion was made by Councilman Rich Gaver, seconded by Assistant Mayor Sharon Chirgott to approve the minutes. Unanimously approved.
American Legion Baseball Agreement – Revised
An American Legion Baseball Agreement was presented to the Mayor and Council last month for review. Mr. Ed Kuczynski, Town Attorney, made a few changes, and the revised copy was submitted to the Mayor and Council and Matt Smith for final review.
Motion was made by Councilman Rich Gaver, seconded by Councilman John Phillips, Ill to approve the Agreement between the Town of Funkstown and the Dixon Troxell Post 211, American Legion Baseball Team for a period offive (5) years. Unanimously approved.
Community Deputy Agreement
Motion was made by Councilman Rich Gaver, seconded by Councilman John Phillips, Ill to approve the Community Deputy Agreement for a period of one (1) year beginning July 1, 2023 and ending June 30, 2024 for a fee of $20,271.80. Unanimously approved. Provided will be one (1) uniformed Deputy for a period of eight (8) hours per week.
Motion was made by Councilman Rich Gaver, seconded by Assistant Mayor Sharon Chirgott to continue with the Contractual Deputy Program for additional police protection. Unanimously approved.
Constant Yield Tax Rate
The potential revenue for the 2023 Constant Yield Tax Rate keeping it at .37 (per $100) will be $22,298. That is an increase from the potential revenue estimate last year of $191,291.
Motion was made by Councilman John Phillips, Ill, seconded by Councilman Rich Gaver to keep the Constant Yield Tax Rate at .37 (per $100) for Fiscal Year 2023-2024. Unanimousaly approved.
Arro Engineering – WWTP Upgrade Agreement
Mayor Paul Crampton, Jr. explained in detail the many issues at the WWTP. The previous operator neglected a lot of things, resulting in fines from MOE and equipment failure and/or repair/replacement. Motion was made by Assistant Mayor Sharon Chirgott, seconded by Councilman Rich Gaver to purchase items and equipment to bring the plant in compliance based on the spreadsheet provided by the Town Manager in the current budget Fiscal Year {2022-2023). Unanimously approved.
MOE indicated that there is funding available to upgrade the plant from an SBR to a BNR plant. Motion was made by Councilman Rich Gaver, seconded by Councilman Barry Warrenfeltz to approve the Professional Services Agreement {0423-PWll Revision No. 1) from Arra for the WWTP assessment and design to upgrade the plant. This will be used for Grant Applications. Unanimously approved.
Budget – Work Copy
The General Fund and Enterprise Fund budget was presented to the Mayor and Council for review. Any questions should be directed to the Town Manager prior to final adoption next month.
Ms. Pat Bailey lives at 14 West Poplar Street. She requested to the Mayor and Council that a fence be constructed on the eastern side of Jerusalem Park to prevent people from entering her back yard. She also requested that the future restrooms be placed on the Southeast corner.
The vandalism in the park bathrooms started early this summer and has been a daily occurrence. The Mayor and Council have decided to close the bathrooms except for Town events and provide a port-a pot at each bathroom throughout the summer.
Councilman Gary Middlekauff would like to see cameras budgeted at the Town Garage for the upcoming budget.
Councilman Barry Warrenfeltz will provide a quote for central air conditioning for the upstairs of Town Hall.
Motion was made by Councilman Rich Gaver, seconded by Assistant Mayor Sharon Chirgott to pay the bills. Unanimously approved.
Motion was made by Councilman Rich Gaver, seconded by Councilman Terry Feiser to adjourn and go into closed session. Unanimously approved.
APRIL 24, 2023 7:00P.M.
The regular meeting of the Funkstown Mayor and Council was held on Monday, April 24, 2023 at 7:00
p.m. in the Mayor and Council Chambers at Town Hall.
In attendance were Mayor Paul Crampton, Jr., Assistant Mayor Sharon Chirgott, Terry Feiser, Gary Middlekauff, Barry Warrenfeltz, Rich Gaver, and John Phillips, Ill.
Also in attendance were Chris Schultz, Sr., Jeanne Doney, Adrienne Fronheiser, Valerie Sumner, Marie Royce, Josette Gustavus, Arlene Harkrader, Eugene Sousen, Angela Nicodemus, Ryan Lee, Stefan Morris, Lynda Stallings, Tori Brumback, Linda McClurrer, Tamara Pitts, Angela Mulligan, Kim Ramer, Patti Ramer, Ron Frey, Jeff Cuczkasly, Serry Andrews Moore, Shannon Randolph, Daryl Randolph, James Norton, Robin Farmer, and Brenda Haynes, Town Manager.
The meeting of the Mayor and Council, in compliance with the Maryland Open Meetings Law and the Emergency Ordinance of the Town regarding Open Meeting Compliance, will be audio streamed via the Town’s Facebook page. In person attendance is now permitted at the meetings with social distancing and masks are optional.
A moment of silence was held, followed by the Pledge of Allegiance by full assemblage.
Motion was made by Councilman Rich Gaver, seconded by Councilman John Phillips, Ill to approve the minutes. Unanimously approved.
Tamara Pitts – Washington County Roads Department
Ms. Tamara Pitts is representing the Washington County Roads Department, and a count study was done to see how many vehicles and the speed was occurring on Stouffer Avenue. The study determined that Stouffer Avenue is being used as a cut through and vehicles are clocked at 54 miles an hour. They are working with State Highway Administration to try and resolve the issue.
Incident at Joker’s
A separate set of minutes will be issued at June’s meeting for approval.
Ed Kuczynski – Town Attorney
Mr. Ed Kuczynski prepared a Fire Hydrant Agreement that is the same as the City of Hagerstown. The Agreement will be used when lawn companies or contractors are using the fire hydrant to pull water for a project or watering of sod. Motion was made by Councilman Rich Gaver, seconded by Assistant Mayor Sharon Chirgott to approve the Fire Hydrant Agreement. Unanimously approved.
Mr. Ed Kuczynski prepared a draft American Legion Baseball Agreement to replace the expired Agreement. The Mayor and Council will take the Agreement home to review. The Agreement has been tabled until next month.
Mr. Ed Kuczynski stated that Comcast has approached the Town to have a Franchise Agreement with them to have cable service in the Town. The Agreement is non-exclusive with Antietam Cable.
Hopefully the Agreement will be finished in the next few weeks, and Mr. Kuczynski will keep the Town informed on the progress.
Town Clean Up has been scheduled for Saturday, May 20th from 7:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. at the Funkstown Community Park, Robert Kline Way, at Pavilion 3.
Councilman Barry Warrenfeltz presented a packet for a crosswalk change on Chestnut Street for the St. Paul’s Lutheran Church.
Motion was made by Councilman Rich Gaver, seconded by Councilman Gary Middlekauff to approve the crosswalk apron change at 21 E. Chestnut Street. Unanimously approved.
Motion was made by Councilman Rich Gaver, seconded by Councilman John Phillips, Ill to pay the bills. Unanimously approved.
Motion was made by Councilman Rich Gaver, seconded by Councilman Barry Warrenfeltz to adjourn. Unanimously approved.
Brenda L. Haynes, Town Manager
MARCH 13, 2023
The regular meeting of the Funkstown Mayor and Council was held on Monday, March 13, 2023 at 7:00 p.m. in the Mayor and Council Chambers at the Funkstown Fire Company.
In attendance were Mayor Paul Crampton, Jr., Assistant Mayor Sharon Chirgott, Terry Feiser, Gary Middlekauff, Barry Warrenfeltz, Rich Gaver, and John Phillips, III.
Also in attendance were Marie Royce, Connor Shank, Jeff Cline, Mason Churchey, Adam Churchey, Rick Blandford, Rebecca Rush, Joe Royce, and Brenda Haynes, Town Manager.
The meeting of the Mayor and Council, in compliance with the Maryland Open Meetings Law and the Emergency Ordinance of the Town regarding Open Meeting Compliance, will be audio streamed via the Town’s Facebook page. In person attendance is now permitted at the meetings with social distancing and masks are optional.
A moment of silence was held, followed by the Pledge of Allegiance by full assemblage.
Motion was made by Councilman Rich Gaver, seconded by Councilman John Phillips, III to approve the minutes. Unanimously approved.
Rebecca Rush – “No Small Change Programs”
Ms. Rebecca Rush works with No Small Change Company that is a 501(c)3 business that works with Civil War Programs, especially the Heritage Area. A conservation was discussed regarding the projects they have done for Gettysburg and the surrounding areas.
Mason Churchey – Boy Scout Troop 23
Mr. Mason Churchey is currently working on his Eagle Project. He would like to construct an 8×8 pavilion along with a bench swing at the Funkstown Community Park.
Motion was made by Councilman John Phillips, III, seconded by Councilman Gary Middlekauff to proceed with the project. Unanimosusly approved. Councilman Rich Gaver abstained from voting.
Mayor Paul Crampton, Jr. presented the yearly donation check to the Funkstown Fire Company to Joe Royce, Board Member.
County Commissioner Jeff Cline stated that he is currently a Funkstown resident, and enjoys attending the meetings. He stated the Re-enactment is an excellent event, and he supports it.
Councilman John Phillips, III would like to make the fire company budget next year $10,000.
Assistant Mayor Sharon Chirgott thanked Jeff Haynes for setting up the equipment at the fire company to be able to audio stream to the Facebook for the Mayor and Council meeting.
Motion was made by Councilman Rich Gaver, seconded by Assistant Mayor Sharon Chirgott to pay the bills. Unanimously approved.
Motion was made by Councilman Rich Gaver, seconded by Councilman Barry Warrenfeltz to adjourn. Unanimously approved.
Brenda L. Haynes, Town Manager
FEBRUARY 13, 2023
The regular meeting of the Funkstown Mayor and Council was held on Monday, February 13, 2023 at 7:00 p.m. in the Mayor and Council Chambers at Town Hall.
In attendance were Assistant Mayor Sharon Chirgott, Terry Feiser, Gary Middlekauff, Barry Warrenfeltz, and Rich Gaver, and John Phillips, III.
Also in attendance were Chad Walker and Brenda Haynes, Town Manager.
The meeting of the Mayor and Council, in compliance with the Maryland Open Meetings Law and the Emergency Ordinance of the Town regarding Open Meeting Compliance, will be audio streamed via the Town’s Facebook page. In person attendance is now permitted at the meetings with social distancing and masks are optional.
A moment of silence was held, followed by the Pledge of Allegiance by full assemblage.
Motion was made by Councilman Rich Gaver, seconded by Councilman Barry Warrenfeltz to approve the minutes. Unanimously approved.
Chad Walker – James Shaull Wagon Train
The National Pike Festival will be held on May 19-21, 2023. They will arrive at the Funkstown Community Park on Saturday, May 20th around 5:30 p.m. for an overnight encampment. Breakfast will be served on Sunday morning, and the Wagon Train will depart at 10:00 a.m.
Motion was made by Councilman Rich Gaver, seconded by Councilman Barry Warrenfeltz to allow the National Pike Wagon Train to stay overnight at the Funkstown Community Park. Unanimously approved.
Motion was made by Councilman John Phillips, III, seconded by Councilman Rich Gaver to give a donation of $500.00 from the Hotel/Motel funding. Unanimously approved.
Assistant Mayor Sharon Chirgott thanked Councilman Rich Gaver and Councilman Terry Feiser for making and installing the sign for Jerusalem Park.
Councilman John Phillips, III asked Councilman Rich Gaver to update the Re-enactment section on the website. Early registration went from $10.00 per person to $12.00 per person. Walk ons went from $12.00 per person to $20.00 per person.
Motion was made by Councilman John Phillips III, seconded by Councilman Rich Gaver to pay the bills. Unanimously approved.
Motion was made by Councilman Terry Feiser, seconded by Councilman Rich Gaver to adjourn. Unanimously approved.
Brenda L. Haynes, Town Manager
JANUARY 9, 2023
The regular meeting of the Funkstown Mayor and Council was held on Monday, January 9, 2023 at 7:00 p.m. in the Mayor and Council Chambers at Town Hall.
In attendance were Mayor Paul Crampton, Jr., Assistant Mayor Sharon Chirgott, Terry Feiser, Gary Middlekauff, Barry Warrenfeltz, and Rich Gaver.
Also in attendance were Patrick Hoffmaster, Sherri Duvall, and Brenda Haynes, Town Manager.
The meeting of the Mayor and Council, in compliance with the Maryland Open Meetings Law and the Emergency Ordinance of the Town regarding Open Meeting Compliance, will be audio streamed via the Town’s Facebook page. In person attendance is now permitted at the meetings with social distancing and masks are optional.
A moment of silence was held, followed by the Pledge of Allegiance by full assemblage.
Motion was made by Councilman Rich Gaver, seconded by Councilman Barry Warrenfeltz to approve the minutes. Unanimously approved.
MML Dinner
A count was taken for the next MML Dinner will be held on Monday, January 23, 2023 and will be hosted by the City of Hagerstown. The meeting will be held at Leiter’s Fine Catering Banquet Hall located at 59 W. Washington Street, Hagerstown, MD. The social hour will begin at 6:00 p.m., followed by the evening meal at 6:45 p.m. The menu will for the evening will consist of beef brisket, fried chicken, salad, whipped potatoes, green beans, beverage, and dessert. The cost of the meal is $30.00.
The generator (KOHLER 350OREOZDD) at the Wastewater Treatment Plant is need of some repairs. The following are bids to repair the generator and a maintenance plan:
- Fidelity – Repair $19,294.00
- Fidelity – Maintenance Plan – 1 Year Plan $8,913.00 (Contingent on the repairs being made first)
- AR&E – Repair $5,812.45
- AR&E – Maintenance Plan – 1 Year Plan $1,442.24
Motion was made by Councilman Rich Gaver, seconded by Councilman Barry Warrenfeltz to accept the proposal from AR&E for repairs to the generator in the amount of $5,812.45. Unanimously approved.
Motion was made by Councilman Rich Gaver, seconded by Councilman Barry Warrenfeltz to accept the maintenance plan proposal from AR&E for a 1 Year Plan in the amount of $1,442.24. Unanimously approved.
Patrick Hoffmaster – WWTP Operator
Mr. Hoffmaster stated that the treatment plant still needs additional sludge hauling to be removed from the tank.
Motion was made by Councilman Rich Gaver, seconded by Assistant Mayor Sharon Chirgott to schedule an additional two sludge hauling’s by Taylors. Unanimously approved.
Councilman Rich Gaver stated that he would like to start getting the corner area ready for the message board. A discussion was held and agreed to get prices to remove the large tree and replace with Cypress trees.
Mayor Paul Crampton, Jr. stated that he is still working with the Sheriff’s Dept. to get prices for either a Community Deputy or a full time Deputy depending on the cost.
Councilman Rich Gaver stated that he is making a sign for Jerusalem Park provided that the Mayor and Council agree. The consensus is that the Mayor and Council agree.
Mayor Paul Crampton, Jr. stated that if anyone is interested in chairing the Olde Tyme Christmas event to step up, because it takes months in advance to plan the event and order stuff. If no one steps up then the event will be cancelled.
Motion was made by Councilman Rich Gaver, seconded by Assistant Mayor Sharon Chirgott to pay the bills. Unanimously approved.
Motion was made by Councilman Terry Feiser, seconded by Councilman Rich Gaver to adjourn. Unanimously approved.
Brenda L. Haynes, Town Manager